Advice to Young Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about Advice to Young Men.

Advice to Young Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about Advice to Young Men.
so much because they are too lazy to earn their bread, as because they are too proud!  And what are the consequences?  Such a youth remains or becomes a burden to his parents, of whom he ought to be the comfort, if not the support.  Always aspiring to something higher than he can reach, his life is a life of disappointment and of shame.  If marriage befal him, it is a real affliction, involving others as well as himself.  His lot is a thousand times worse than that of the common labouring pauper.  Nineteen times out of twenty a premature death awaits him:  and, alas! how numerous are the cases in which that death is most miserable, not to say ignominious! Stupid pride is one of the symptoms of madness.  Of the two madmen mentioned in Don Quixote, one thought himself NEPTUNE, and the other JUPITER.  Shakspeare agrees with CERVANTES; for, Mad Tom, in King Lear, being asked who he is, answers, ‘I am a tailor run mad with pride.’  How many have we heard of, who claimed relationship with noblemen and kings; while of not a few each has thought himself the Son of God!  To the public journals, and to the observations of every one, nay, to the ‘county-lunatic asylums’ (things never heard of in England till now), I appeal for the fact of the vast and hideous increase of madness in this country; and, within these very few years, how many scores of young men, who, if their minds had been unperverted by the gambling principles of the day, had a probably long and happy life before them; who had talent, personal endowments, love of parents, love of friends, admiration of large circles; who had, in short, everything to make life desirable, and who, from mortified pride, founded on false pretensions, have put an end to their own existence!

24.  As to DRUNKENNESS and GLUTTONY, generally so called, these are vices so nasty and beastly that I deem any one capable of indulging in them to be wholly unworthy of my advice; and, if any youth unhappily initiated in these odious and debasing vices should happen to read what I am now writing, I refer him to the command of God, conveyed to the Israelites by Moses, in Deuteronomy, chap. xxi.  The father and mother are to take the bad son ’and bring him to the elders of the city; and they shall say to the elders, This our son will not obey our voice:  he is a glutton and a drunkard.  And all the men of the city shall stone him with stones, that he die.’  I refer downright beastly gluttons and drunkards to this; but indulgence short, far short, of this gross and really nasty drunkenness and gluttony is to be deprecated, and that, too, with the more earnestness because it is too often looked upon as being no crime at all, and as having nothing blameable in it; nay, there are many persons who pride themselves on their refined taste in matters connected with eating and drinking:  so far from being ashamed

Project Gutenberg
Advice to Young Men from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.