Stephen A. Douglas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 492 pages of information about Stephen A. Douglas.

Stephen A. Douglas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 492 pages of information about Stephen A. Douglas.
  and “Bleeding Kansas,” 294, 299-302, 304-306;
  and Lecomptonism, 332 ff.;
  possible re-alignment of, 348-349;
  and Lincoln-Douglas contest, 349-350, 381-382, 393;
  and Freeport doctrine, 397-402, 413-414;
  and issues of 1860, 415 ff.;
  and election of 1860, 440-441.

Polk, James K., presidential candidacy, 70;
  indorsed by Douglas, 80;
  inaugural of, 98;
  on Oregon, 99;
  negotiates with Great Britain, 103-104;
  war message of, 105;
  and Douglas, 105-106;
  announces Oregon treaty, 106;
  covets California, 109;
  and appointments, 114, 118-119;
  urges indemnity, 127;
  and slavery in Territories, 131;
  proposes territorial governments, 133;
  proposes statehood bills, 135.

Popular sovereignty, doctrine anticipated, 89;
  phrase coined, 253;
  in Kansas-Nebraska Act, 281-282;
  tested in Kansas, 283 ff.;
  and Dred Scott decision, 322;
  and Lecompton constitution, 326-327;
  defended by Douglas, 329-332, 338-340, 342-343;
  indorsed by Seward, 348;
  debated by Lincoln and Douglas, 355, 357, 359-360, 372-373, 376-377;
  denounced by South, 397 ff.;
  defended in Harper’s Magazine 405-409;
  ridiculed by Black, 409-410;
  operates against slavery, 410-411, 429;
  Douglas urges further concessions to, 457, 459-460.

Powell, Lazarus W., 446.

Public lands, granted to Illinois for canal, 31;
  Douglas and administration of, 35-36;
  squatters and land leagues, 163-164;
  granted to Illinois Central, 170 ff.;
  granted to Indians, 220;
  and proposed military colonies, 221;
  and proposed Pacific railroad, 222-224;
  in Kansas, 283-285;
  Douglas and proper distribution of, 311-313.

Pugh, George E., and Lecompton constitution, 335;
  and English bill, 347; 413;
  speech in Charleston convention, 419-420;
  and Douglas, 422, 424.

Ralston, J.H., 58.

Raymond, Henry J., editor of New York Times, 436.

Reapportionment Act of 1843, 64, 65.

Reeder, A.H., governor of Kansas, 284;
  and elections, 285, 286;
  joins free State party, 287;
  chosen senator at Topeka, 288.

Reid, David S., 145, 146.

Republican party, rise of, in Illinois, 264 ff.;
  elections of 1854, 269;
  origin of name, 273;
  composition of, 273-274;
  Philadelphia convention, 279-280;
  and “Bleeding Kansas,” 304-305;
  opposes Lecomptonism, 334;
  Chicago convention, 421;
  nominates Lincoln, 425;
  elections of 1860, 437, 440-441.

Resolution of Illinois Legislature, presented in Senate, 139-140;
  origin, 159-160;
  controls Douglas (1850), 184.

Rice, Henry M., 446.

Richardson, William A., on House Committee on Territories, 182;
  steers Kansas-Nebraska bill through House, 254-255;
  in Cincinnati convention, 277;
  candidate for governor, 305;
  in Charleston convention, 416 ff.;
  in Baltimore convention, 427;
  forecasts election, 429.

Project Gutenberg
Stephen A. Douglas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.