and Lecomptonism, 332 ff.;
possible re-alignment of, 348-349;
and Lincoln-Douglas contest, 349-350, 381-382, 393;
and Freeport doctrine, 397-402, 413-414;
and issues of 1860, 415 ff.;
and election of 1860, 440-441.
Polk, James K., presidential candidacy, 70;
indorsed by Douglas, 80;
inaugural of, 98;
on Oregon, 99;
negotiates with Great Britain, 103-104;
war message of, 105;
and Douglas, 105-106;
announces Oregon treaty, 106;
covets California, 109;
and appointments, 114, 118-119;
urges indemnity, 127;
and slavery in Territories, 131;
proposes territorial governments, 133;
proposes statehood bills, 135.
Popular sovereignty, doctrine anticipated, 89;
phrase coined, 253;
in Kansas-Nebraska Act, 281-282;
tested in Kansas, 283 ff.;
and Dred Scott decision, 322;
and Lecompton constitution, 326-327;
defended by Douglas, 329-332, 338-340,
indorsed by Seward, 348;
debated by Lincoln and Douglas, 355, 357,
359-360, 372-373, 376-377;
denounced by South, 397 ff.;
defended in Harper’s Magazine
ridiculed by Black, 409-410;
operates against slavery, 410-411, 429;
Douglas urges further concessions to,
457, 459-460.
Powell, Lazarus W., 446.
Public lands, granted to Illinois for canal, 31;
Douglas and administration of, 35-36;
squatters and land leagues, 163-164;
granted to Illinois Central, 170 ff.;
granted to Indians, 220;
and proposed military colonies, 221;
and proposed Pacific railroad, 222-224;
in Kansas, 283-285;
Douglas and proper distribution of, 311-313.
Pugh, George E., and Lecompton constitution, 335;
and English bill, 347; 413;
speech in Charleston convention, 419-420;
and Douglas, 422, 424.
Ralston, J.H., 58.
Raymond, Henry J., editor of New York Times, 436.
Reapportionment Act of 1843, 64, 65.
Reeder, A.H., governor of Kansas, 284;
and elections, 285, 286;
joins free State party, 287;
chosen senator at Topeka, 288.
Reid, David S., 145, 146.
Republican party, rise of, in Illinois, 264 ff.;
elections of 1854, 269;
origin of name, 273;
composition of, 273-274;
Philadelphia convention, 279-280;
and “Bleeding Kansas,” 304-305;
opposes Lecomptonism, 334;
Chicago convention, 421;
nominates Lincoln, 425;
elections of 1860, 437, 440-441.
Resolution of Illinois Legislature, presented in Senate,
origin, 159-160;
controls Douglas (1850), 184.
Rice, Henry M., 446.
Richardson, William A., on House Committee on Territories,
steers Kansas-Nebraska bill through House,
in Cincinnati convention, 277;
candidate for governor, 305;
in Charleston convention, 416 ff.;
in Baltimore convention, 427;
forecasts election, 429.