Illinois Central Railroad, inception of, 168;
project taken up by Douglas, 169-170;
bill for land grant to, 170;
legislative history of, 171-173;
larger aspects of, 174 ff.;
in the campaign of 1858, 382.
Illinois Republican, attack upon office of, 37-38.
Illinois State Register, on Douglas, 46, 81-82;
and Springfield clique, 61-62;
editorial by Douglas in, 149-150;
forecast of Nebraska legislation, 228.
Indian claims, in Nebraska, 220, 222-225, 238-239.
Internal Improvements, agitation in Illinois, 29-30;
Douglas on, 30-31.
Iverson, Alfred, 443, 444.
Jackson, Andrew, 16, 20;
defended by Douglas, 69-72, 78;
and Douglas, 81-82.
Jacksonville, Illinois, early home of Douglas, 14 ff.
Johnson, Hadley D., 226, 238-239.
Johnson, Herschel V., 428.
Johnson, Thomas, 225, 226.
Judiciary bill, in Illinois legislature, 54-56, 59.
Kansas, first settlers in, 283;
colonists of Emigrant Aid Company in,
defect in organic act of, 284;
first elections in, 284 ff.;
invasion by Missourians, 286;
first territorial legislature, 286-287;
Topeka convention and free State legislature,
sack of Lawrence, 299;
raid of John Brown, 299;
convention elected, 325;
free State party in control of legislature,
Lecompton convention, 326-327;
vote on constitution, 337-338;
land ordinance rejected, 347.
Kansas-Nebraska bill, origin of, 236-239;
in Democratic caucus, 243-245;
wording criticised, 245;
amended, 246, 248, 249, 250;
passes to third reading in Senate, 250;
course in House, 254-255;
defeat of Clayton amendment, 255-256;
passes Senate, 256;
becomes law, 256;
arouses North, 256 ff.;
popular sovereignty in, 281-282.
King, William F., 172.
Knowlton, Caleb, 9.
Know-Nothing party, origin, 262;
denounced by Douglas, 263;
in Northwest, 263-264;
nominates Fillmore, 280.
Kossuth, Louis, reception of, 199 ff.
Lamborn, Josiah, 16.
Lane, James H., in Kansas, 287-288.
Lane, Joseph, 205, 428.
Lecompton constitution, origin, 326-327;
denounced by Douglas, 329 ff.;
vote upon, 337;
submitted to Congress, 338;
bill to admit Kansas with, 343.
Lee, Robert E., 482.
Letcher, John, 480.
Liberty party, 116, 158.
Lincoln, Abraham, in Illinois legislature, 32 n.;
leader of “the Long Nine,”
debate with Douglas (1839), 46;
on Douglas, 46;
elected to Congress, 116;
debate with Douglas (1854), 265-266;
“the Peoria Truce,” 266 n.;
candidate for Senate, 268-269;
Republican nominee for Senate (1858),