English bill, reported, 343;
opposed by Douglas, 345-346;
passed, 347.
Everett, Edward, 256, 429.
Fessenden, William P., 473-474.
Field, Alexander P., 52.
Fillmore, Millard, 280.
Fitch, Graham N., 335, 336.
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, 428.
Foote, Henry S., on Abolitionism, 124-125;
and Douglas, 126;
offers finality resolution, 197.
Ford, Thomas, 61, 90, 154.
Forney, John W., 305, 437;
on Douglas and Lincoln, 480.
Fort Pickens, question of evacuating, 468 ff.
Fort Sumter, occupation advised, 442;
occupied, 451;
abortive attempt to reinforce, 452;
question of evacuating, 468 ff.;
attack upon, 474;
capitulation of, 475.
Francis, Simeon, 46.
Fremont, John C., 280.
Freeport doctrine, foreshadowed, 322, 359-360;
stated, 372-373;
analyzed by Lincoln, 376-377;
effect upon South, 381-382;
denounced in Senate, 397 ff.;
defended in Harper’s Magazine,
Free-Soil party, convention of, 132;
holds balance of power in House, 133;
in Illinois, 158-160.
Fugitive Slave Law, passed, 187;
not voted upon by Douglas, 188;
defended by Douglas, 191-194;
violations of, 194-195;
repeal proposed, 195;
attitude of South, 195;
Lincoln on, 371;
evasions of, 445-446;
supplementary law proposed by Douglas,
Fusion party, in Illinois, 264 ff.
See Republican party.
Galena alien case, 47, 48, 54.
Granger, Gehazi, 9.
Great Britain, animus of Douglas toward, concerning
Oregon, 88,
93-94, 97, 101, 102;
concerning Central America, 211-213, 215-216;
Great Western Railroad Company, 168.
Greeley, Horace, and Douglas, 320, 348;
favors re-election of Douglas, 349.
Green, James S., 333, 335, 338, 401, 457.
Greenhow’s History of the Northwest Coast of North America, 94, 95.
Grimes, James W., 446.
Guthrie, James, 420, 427.
Hale, John P., 124, 138, 186.
Hall, Willard P., 223-224.
Hannegan, Edward A., 103-104.
Hardin, John J., 21-22, 27, 91, 92.
Harper’s Magazine, essay by Douglas in, 405 ff.
Harris, Thomas L., 265.
Helper’s Impending Crisis, 412-413.
Herndon, William H., Lincoln’s law partner, 351.
Hise, Elijah, drafts treaty, 210.
Hoge, Joseph B., 118.
Homestead bill of Douglas, 311.
Honduras and its dependencies, claimed by Great Britain, 209-211.
Howe, Henry, 9.
Hunter, R.M.T., 420, 446.
Illinois and Michigan Canal, lands granted to, 31;
Douglas and construction of, 32-33;
probable influence upon settlement, 154.