Stephen A. Douglas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 492 pages of information about Stephen A. Douglas.

Stephen A. Douglas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 492 pages of information about Stephen A. Douglas.

[Footnote 993:  Senator Cullom of Illinois, quoted in Arnold, Lincoln, p. 201, note.]

[Footnote 994:  Mr. Horace White in Herndon-Weik, Lincoln, II, pp. 126-127.]

[Footnote 995:  Arnold, Lincoln, p. 201, note.]

[Footnote 996:  The speech was printed in full in the New York Tribune, May 1, 1861.]

[Footnote 997:  The New York Tribune, June 13th, and the Philadelphia Press, June 14th, published this speech in full.]

[Footnote 998:  Arnold, Lincoln, p. 193.  See also his remarks in the Senate, January 3, 1861.]


Abolitionism, debate in the Senate on, 124-126.

Abolitionists, in Illinois, 156, 158-160;
  agitation of, 194-195.

Adams, John Quincy, on Douglas, 72, 76, 89, 98;
  catechises Douglas, 111, 113.

Albany Regency, 10.

Anderson, Robert, dispatch to War Department, 442;
  moves garrison to Port Sumter, 451.

Andrews, Sherlock J., 11.

Anti-Masonry, in New York, 10.

Anti-Nebraska party. See Republican party.

“Appeal of the Independent Democrats,” origin, 240;
  assails motives of Douglas, 241.

Arnold, Martha, grandmother of Stephen A. Douglas, 4.

Arnold, William, ancestor of Stephen A. Douglas, 4.

Ashmun, George, 475, 476, 477.

Atchison, David R., pro-slavery leader in Missouri, 223;
  favors Nebraska bill (1853), 225;
  and repeal of Missouri Compromise, 225, 235;
  and Kansas-Nebraska bill, 256.

Badger, George E., 215.

“Barnburners,” 132.

Bay Islands, Colony of, 209, 213.

Bell, John, presidential candidate, 425, 429, 440.

Benjamin, Judah P., quoted, 402, 453.

Benton, Thomas H., 44, 117, 223.

Berrien, John M., 185.

Bigler, William, 333, 335, 417, 446.

Bissell, William H., 305.

Black, Jeremiah S., controversy with Douglas, 409-410.

“Black Republicans,” origin of epithet, 275;
  arraigned by Douglas, 296, 297, 304, 374-375.

“Blue Lodges” of Missouri, 283, 286.

Boyd, Linn, 182.

Brandon, birthplace of Douglas, 5, 9, 69.

Brandon Academy, 7, 9.

Breckinridge, John C., 382;
  presidential candidate (1860), 427, 428, 435, 440-441.

Breese, Sidney, judge of Circuit Court, 52;
  elected Senator, 62;
  and Federal patronage, 118-119;
  director of Great Western Railroad Company, 168-170;
  retirement, 158, 171.

Bright, Jesse D., 119, 417.

Broderick, David C., and Lecompton constitution, 335;
  and English bill, 347;
  killed, 411.

Brooks, S.S., editor of Jacksonville News, 19, 20, 25, 40.

Brooks, Preston, assaults Sumner, 298.

Brown, Albert G., 247, 340, 341, 397-398, 402.

Project Gutenberg
Stephen A. Douglas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.