By the courtesy of the copyright owners, we are enabled this year for the first time to include three works which have hitherto not been obtainable in this Series in the British Empire.
The Philosophy of Education. Translated from the German of Dr. K. ROSENKRANTZ, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Koenigsberg. 6s.
Fouillee’s Education from a National Standpoint. Translated by W.J. GREENSTREET, M.A., Headmaster of the Marling School, Stroud. 7s. 6d.
The Rise and Early Constitution of Universities. With a Survey of Medieval Education. By S.S. LAURIE, LL.D., Professor of Education in Edinburgh University. 6s.
Rousseau’s Emile; or, A Treatise on Education. Translated and Edited by W.H. PAYNE, Ph.D., LL.D. 6s.
Dickens as an Educator. By J.L. HUGHES, Inspector of Schools, Toronto. Crown 8vo., cloth. 6s.
Essays on Educational Reformers. By the late ROBERT HERBERT QUICK, M.A. (By permission of Messrs. Longmans and Co.) 6s.
A History of Education. By Professor F.V.N. PAINTER. 6s.
This work is a complete survey of the field of educational progress, including (1) The Oriental Nations, (2) The Ancient Classical Nations, (3) Christian Education before the Reformation, (4) Education from the Reformation to the Present Time.
English Education in the Elementary and Secondary Schools. By ISAAC SHARPLESS, LL.D. With a Preface by W.T. HARRIS. 4s. 6d.
A History of Education in the U.S.A. By R.G. BOONE. 6s.
European Schools; or, What I saw in the Schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. By L.K. KLEMM, Ph.D. 8s. 6d.
The Secondary School System of Germany. By FREDERICK E. BOLTON. 6s.
The Evolution of the Massachusetts Public School System.
By G.H.
MARTIN, M.A., Supervisor of Public Schools, Boston,
Massachusetts. 6s.
The School System of Ontario. By the Hon. G.W.
Ross, LL.D., formerly
Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario.
4s. 6d.
The Higher Education of Women in Europe. Translated from the German of Miss HELENE LANGE by Dr. L.R. KLEMM. 4s. 6d.
The Education of the Greek People. By THOMAS DAVIDSON. 6s.
Froebel’s Education of Man. Translated by W.N. HAILMAN. 6s.
Froebel’s Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. 6s.
The Mottoes and Commentaries of Froebel’s Mother Play. The Mottoes rendered into English verse by HENRIETTA ELIOT; the Prose Commentaries translated and accompanied by an Introduction on the Philosophy of Froebel by SUSAN E. BLOW. 6s.
The Songs and Music of Froebel’s Mother Play. 6s.
Symbolic Education. A Commentary on Froebel’s
Mother Play. By SUSAN E.
BLOW. 6s.
Froebel’s Educational Laws for all Teachers. By J.L. HUGHES, Inspector of Schools, Toronto. A Comprehensive Exposition of Froebel’s Principles as applied in the Kindergarten, the School, the University, or the Home. 6s.