The Lancashire Witches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 866 pages of information about The Lancashire Witches.

The Lancashire Witches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 866 pages of information about The Lancashire Witches.

Alizon assented to what was said, and stole a timid glance towards Richard and Dorothy; but the latter, who alone perceived it, instantly averted her head, in such way as to make it evident she wished to shun her regards.  Slight as it was, this circumstance occasioned Alizon much pain, for she could not conceive how she had offended her new-made friend, and it was some relief to encounter a party of acquaintances who had risen from the lower table at her approach, though they did not presume to address her while she was with Mistress Nutter, but waited respectfully at a little distance.  Alizon, however, flew towards them.

“Ah, Susan!—­ah, Nancy!” she cried taking the hand of each—­“how glad I am to see you here; and you too, Lawrence Blackrod—­and you, Phil Rawson—­and you, also, good Master Harrop.  How happy you all look!”

“An wi’ good reason, sweet Alizon,” replied Blackrod.  “Boh we began to be afeerd we’d lost ye, an that wad ha’ bin a sore mishap—­to lose our May Queen—­an th’ prettiest May Queen os ever dawnced i’ this ha’, or i’ onny other ha’ i’ Lonkyshiar.”

“We ha drunk your health, sweet Alizon,” added Phil—­“an wishin’ ye may be os happy os ye desarve, wi’ the mon o’ your heart, if onny sich lucky chap there be.”

“Thank you—­thank you both,” replied Alizon, blushing; “and in return I cannot wish you better fortune, Philip, than to be united to the good girl near you, for I know her kindly disposition so well, that I am sure she will make you happy.”

“Ey’m satisfied on’t myself,” replied Rawson; “an ey hope ere long she’ll be missus o’ a little cot i’ Bowland Forest, an that yo’ll pay us a visit, Alizon, an see an judge fo’ yourself how happy we be.  Nance win make a rare forester’s wife.”

“Not a bit better than my Sukey,” cried Lawrence Blackrod.  “Ye shanna get th’ start o’ me, Phil, fo’ by th’ mess! the very same day os sees yo wedded to Nancy Holt shan find me united to Sukey Worseley.  An so Alizon win ha’ two cottages i’ Bowland Forest to visit i’stead o’ one.”

“And well pleased I shall be to visit them both,” she rejoined.  At this moment Mistress Nutter came up.

“My good friends,” she said, “as you appear to take so much interest in Alizon, you may be glad to learn that it is my intention to adopt her as a daughter, having no child of my own; and, though her position henceforth will be very different from what it has been, I am sure she will never forget her old friends.”

“Never, indeed, never!” cried Alizon, earnestly.

“This is good news, indeed,” cried Sampson Harrop, joyfully, while the others joined in his exclamation.  “We all rejoice in Alizon’s good fortune, and think she richly deserves it.  For my own part, I was always sure she would have rare luck, but I did not expect such luck as this.”

“What’s to become o’ me?” cried Jennet, coming from behind a chair, where she had hitherto concealed herself.

Project Gutenberg
The Lancashire Witches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.