A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

Nora.  No, you must begin.  I mustn’t be selfish today; today I must only think of your affairs.  But there is one thing I must tell you.  Do you know we have just had a great piece of good luck?

Mrs. Linde.  No, what is it?

Nora.  Just fancy, my husband has been made manager of the Bank!

Mrs. Linde.  Your husband?  What good luck!

Nora.  Yes tremendous!  A barrister’s profession is such an uncertain thing, especially if he won’t undertake unsavoury cases; and naturally Torvald has never been willing to do that, and I quite agree with him.  You may imagine how pleased we are!  He is to take up his work in the Bank at the New Year, and then he will have a big salary and lots of commissions.  For the future we can live quite differently—­we can do just as we like.  I feel so relieved and so happy, Christine!  It will be splendid to have heaps of money and not need to have any anxiety, won’t it?

Mrs. Linde.  Yes, anyhow I think it would be delightful to have what one needs.

Nora.  No, not only what one needs, but heaps and heaps of money.

Mrs. Linde (smiling).  Nora, Nora, haven’t you learnt sense yet?  In our schooldays you were a great spendthrift.

Nora (laughing).  Yes, that is what Torvald says now. (Wags her finger at her.) But “Nora, Nora” is not so silly as you think.  We have not been in a position for me to waste money.  We have both had to work.

Mrs. Linde.  You too?

Nora.  Yes; odds and ends, needlework, crochet-work, embroidery, and that kind of thing. (Dropping her voice.) And other things as well.  You know Torvald left his office when we were married?  There was no prospect of promotion there, and he had to try and earn more than before.  But during the first year he overworked himself dreadfully.  You see, he had to make money every way he could, and he worked early and late; but he couldn’t stand it, and fell dreadfully ill, and the doctors said it was necessary for him to go south.

Mrs. Linde.  You spent a whole year in Italy, didn’t you?

Nora.  Yes.  It was no easy matter to get away, I can tell you.  It was just after Ivar was born; but naturally we had to go.  It was a wonderfully beautiful journey, and it saved Torvald’s life.  But it cost a tremendous lot of money, Christine.

Mrs. Linde.  So I should think.

Nora.  It cost about two hundred and fifty pounds.  That’s a lot, isn’t it?

Mrs. Linde.  Yes, and in emergencies like that it is lucky to have the money.

Nora.  I ought to tell you that we had it from papa.

Mrs. Linde.  Oh, I see.  It was just about that time that he died, wasn’t it?

Nora.  Yes; and, just think of it, I couldn’t go and nurse him.  I was expecting little Ivar’s birth every day and I had my poor sick Torvald to look after.  My dear, kind father—­I never saw him again, Christine.  That was the saddest time I have known since our marriage.

Project Gutenberg
A Doll's House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.