A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

Nora (smiling).  I believe you do feel thoroughly at home with us.

Rank (in a lower voice, looking straight in front of him).  And to be obliged to leave it all—­

Nora.  Nonsense, you are not going to leave it.

Rank (as before).  And not be able to leave behind one the slightest token of one’s gratitude, scarcely even a fleeting regret—­nothing but an empty place which the first comer can fill as well as any other.

Nora.  And if I asked you now for a—?  No!

Rank.  For what?

Nora.  For a big proof of your friendship—­

Rank.  Yes, yes.

Nora.  I mean a tremendously big favour—­

Rank.  Would you really make me so happy for once?

Nora.  Ah, but you don’t know what it is yet.

Rank.  No—­but tell me.

Nora.  I really can’t, Doctor Rank.  It is something out of all reason; it means advice, and help, and a favour—­

Rank.  The bigger a thing it is the better.  I can’t conceive what it is you mean.  Do tell me.  Haven’t I your confidence?

Nora.  More than anyone else.  I know you are my truest and best friend, and so I will tell you what it is.  Well, Doctor Rank, it is something you must help me to prevent.  You know how devotedly, how inexpressibly deeply Torvald loves me; he would never for a moment hesitate to give his life for me.

Rank (leaning toward her).  Nora—­do you think he is the only one—?

Nora (with a slight start).  The only one—?

Rank.  The only one who would gladly give his life for your sake.

Nora (sadly).  Is that it?

Rank.  I was determined you should know it before I went away, and there will never be a better opportunity than this.  Now you know it, Nora.  And now you know, too, that you can trust me as you would trust no one else.

Nora (rises deliberately and quietly).  Let me pass.

Rank (makes room for her to pass him, but sits still).  Nora!

Nora (at the hall door).  Helen, bring in the lamp. (Goes over to the stove.) Dear Doctor Rank, that was really horrid of you.

Rank.  To have loved you as much as anyone else does?  Was that horrid?

Nora.  No, but to go and tell me so.  There was really no need—­

Rank.  What do you mean?  Did you know—? (MAID enters with lamp, puts it down on the table, and goes out.) Nora—­Mrs. Helmer—­tell me, had you any idea of this?

Nora.  Oh, how do I know whether I had or whether I hadn’t.  I really can’t tell you—­To think you could be so clumsy, Doctor Rank!  We were getting on so nicely.

Bank.  Well, at all events you know now that you can command me, body and soul.  So won’t you speak out?

Project Gutenberg
A Doll's House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.