A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

(The NURSE goes into the room on the left.  Nora takes off the children’s things and throws them about, while they all talk to her at once.)

Nora. Really!  Did a big dog run after you?  But it didn’t bite you?  No, dogs don’t bite nice little dolly children.  You mustn’t look at the parcels, Ivar.  What are they?  Ah, I daresay you would like to know.  No, no—­it’s something nasty!  Come, let us have a game.  What shall we play at?  Hide and Seek?  Yes, we’ll play Hide and Seek.  Bob shall hide first.  Must I hide?  Very well, I’ll hide first. (She and the children laugh and shout, and romp in and out of the room; at last Nora hides under the table the children rush in and look for her, but do not see her; they hear her smothered laughter run to the table, lift up the cloth and find her.  Shouts of laughter.  She crawls forward and pretends to frighten them.  Fresh laughter.  Meanwhile there has been a knock at the hall door, but none of them has noticed it.  The door is half opened, and KROGSTAD appears.  He waits a little; the game goes on.)

Krogstad.  Excuse me, Mrs. Helmer.

Nora (with a stifled cry, turns round and gets up on to her knees).  Ah! what do you want?

Krogstad.  Excuse me, the outer door was ajar; I suppose someone forgot to shut it.

Nora (rising).  My husband is out, Mr. Krogstad.

Krogstad.  I know that.

Nora.  What do you want here, then?

Krogstad.  A word with you.

Nora.  With me?—­(To the children, gently.) Go in to nurse.  What?  No, the strange man won’t do mother any harm.  When he has gone we will have another game. (She takes the children into the room on the left, and shuts the door after them.) You want to speak to me?

Krogstad.  Yes, I do.

Nora.  Today?  It is not the first of the month yet.

Krogstad.  No, it is Christmas Eve, and it will depend on yourself what sort of a Christmas you will spend.

Nora.  What do you want?  Today it is absolutely impossible for me—­

Krogstad.  We won’t talk about that till later on.  This is something different.  I presume you can give me a moment?

Nora.  Yes—­yes, I can—­although—­

Krogstad.  Good.  I was in Olsen’s Restaurant and saw your husband going down the street—­

Nora.  Yes?

Krogstad.  With a lady.

Nora.  What then?

Krogstad.  May I make so bold as to ask if it was a Mrs. Linde?

Nora.  It was.

Krogstad.  Just arrived in town?

Nora.  Yes, today.

Krogstad.  She is a great friend of yours, isn’t she?

Nora:  She is.  But I don’t see—­

Krogstad.  I knew her too, once upon a time.

Project Gutenberg
A Doll's House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.