A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

A Doll's House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 103 pages of information about A Doll's House.

Helmer.  Very sensible, Mrs. Linde.

Nora.  And when she heard you had been appointed manager of the Bank—­the news was telegraphed, you know—­she traveled here as quick as she could, Torvald, I am sure you will be able to do something for Christine, for my sake, won’t you?

Helmer.  Well, it is not altogether impossible.  I presume you are a widow, Mrs. Linde?

Mrs. Linde.  Yes.

Helmer.  And have had some experience of bookkeeping?

Mrs. Linde.  Yes, a fair amount.

Helmer.  Ah! well it’s very likely I may be able to find something for you—­

Nora (clapping her hands).  What did I tell you?  What did I tell you?

Helmer.  You have just come at a fortunate moment, Mrs. Linde.

Mrs. Linde.  How am I to thank you?

Helmer.  There is no need. (Puts on his coat.) But today you must excuse me—­

Rank.  Wait a minute; I will come with you. (Brings his fur coat from the hall and warms it at the fire.)

Nora.  Don’t be long away, Torvald dear.

Helmer.  About an hour, not more.

Nora.  Are you going too, Christine?

Mrs. Linde (putting on her cloak).  Yes, I must go and look for a room.

Helmer.  Oh, well then, we can walk down the street together.

Nora (helping her).  What a pity it is we are so short of space here; I am afraid it is impossible for us—­

Mrs. Linde.  Please don’t think of it!  Good-bye, Nora dear, and many thanks.

Nora.  Good-bye for the present.  Of course you will come back this evening.  And you too, Dr. Rank.  What do you say?  If you are well enough?  Oh, you must be!  Wrap yourself up well. (They go to the door all talking together.  Children’s voices are heard on the staircase.)

Nora.  There they are.  There they are! (She runs to open the door.  The NURSE comes in with the children.) Come in!  Come in! (Stoops and kisses them.) Oh, you sweet blessings!  Look at them, Christine!  Aren’t they darlings?

Rank.  Don’t let us stand here in the draught.

Helmer.  Come along, Mrs. Linde; the place will only be bearable for a mother now!

(RANK, HELMER, and MRS. LINDE go downstairs.  The NURSE comes forward with the children; NORA shuts the hall door.)

Nora.  How fresh and well you look!  Such red cheeks!—­like apples and roses. (The children all talk at once while she speaks to them.) Have you had great fun?  That’s splendid!  What, you pulled both Emmy and Bob along on the sledge?—­both at once?—­that was good.  You are a clever boy, Ivar.  Let me take her for a little, Anne.  My sweet little baby doll! (Takes the baby from the MAID and dances it up and down.) Yes, yes, mother will dance with Bob too.  What!  Have you been snow-balling?  I wish I had been there too!  No, no, I will take their things off, Anne; please let me do it, it is such fun.  Go in now, you look half frozen.  There is some hot coffee for you on the stove.

Project Gutenberg
A Doll's House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.