The Young Lady's Mentor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Young Lady's Mentor.

The Young Lady's Mentor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Young Lady's Mentor.

Finally, I would again refer to that subject which ought to be the beginning and end, the foundation and crowning-point of all our studies.  Let “whatever you do be done to the glory of God."[87] Earthly motives, if pure and amiable ones, may hold a subordinate place; but unless the mainspring of your actions be the desire “to glorify your Father which is in heaven,” you will find no real peace in life, no blessedness in death.  As one likely means of keeping this primary object of your life constantly before you, I should strongly recommend your making the cultivation and improvement of your mental powers the subject of special prayer at all the appointed seasons of prayer; at the same time, your studies themselves should never be entered upon without prayer,—­prayer, that the evil mingled with all earthly things may fall powerless on your sanctified heart,—­prayer, that any improvement you obtain may make you a more useful servant of the Lord your God—­more persuasive and influential in that great work which in different ways is appropriated to all in their several spheres of action, viz. the high and holy office of winning souls to Christ.[88]


[77] Coleridge.

[78] Assembly’s Catechism.

[79] Plebeii videntur appellandi omnes philosophi qui a Platone et Socrate et ab ea familia dissiderent.—­CICERO, Tuscul. 1, 2, 3.

[80] L’Abbe Barthelemi.

[81] Quarterly Review.

[82] The critic who suffers his philosophy to reason away his pleasure is not much wiser than a child who cuts open his drum to see what is within it that causes the music.—­Edinburgh Review.

[83] Ce n’est pas la victoire, c’est le combat qui fait le bonheur des nobles coeurs.—­Montalembert.

Si le Tout-puissant tenait dans une main la verite, et dans l’autre la recherche de la verite, c’est la recherche que je lui demanderais. —­Lessing.

[84] Dryden, of Shakspeare.

[85] Miss Ferrier.  Mrs. H.E.

[86] Napoleon’s remark on Rollin’s History.

[87] 1 Cor. x. 31.

[88] 1 Pet. iii. 1.



In addressing the following observations to you, I keep in mind the peculiarity of your position,—­a position which has made you, while scarcely more than a child, independent of external control, and forced you into the responsibilities of deciding thus early on a course of conduct that may seriously affect your temporal and eternal interests.  More happy are those placed under the authority of strict parents, who have already chosen and marked out for themselves a path to which they expect their children strictly to adhere.  The difficulties that may still perplex the children of such parents are comparatively few:  even if the strictness of the authority over them

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The Young Lady's Mentor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.