Dream Psychology eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Dream Psychology.
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Dream Psychology eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Dream Psychology.

That a psychic process developing anxiety may still be a wish-fulfillment has long ceased to impress us as a contradiction.  We may explain this occurrence by the fact that the wish belongs to one system (the Unc.), while by the other system (the Forec.), this wish has been rejected and suppressed.  The subjection of the Unc. by the Forec. is not complete even in perfect psychic health; the amount of this suppression shows the degree of our psychic normality.  Neurotic symptoms show that there is a conflict between the two systems; the symptoms are the results of a compromise of this conflict, and they temporarily put an end to it.  On the one hand, they afford the Unc. an outlet for the discharge of its excitement, and serve it as a sally port, while, on the other hand, they give the Forec. the capability of dominating the Unc. to some extent.  It is highly instructive to consider, e.g., the significance of any hysterical phobia or of an agoraphobia.  Suppose a neurotic incapable of crossing the street alone, which we would justly call a “symptom.”  We attempt to remove this symptom by urging him to the action which he deems himself incapable of.  The result will be an attack of anxiety, just as an attack of anxiety in the street has often been the cause of establishing an agoraphobia.  We thus learn that the symptom has been constituted in order to guard against the outbreak of the anxiety.  The phobia is thrown before the anxiety like a fortress on the frontier.

Unless we enter into the part played by the affects in these processes, which can be done here only imperfectly, we cannot continue our discussion.  Let us therefore advance the proposition that the reason why the suppression of the unconscious becomes absolutely necessary is because, if the discharge of presentation should be left to itself, it would develop an affect in the Unc. which originally bore the character of pleasure, but which, since the appearance of the repression, bears the character of pain.  The aim, as well as the result, of the suppression is to stop the development of this pain.  The suppression extends over the unconscious ideation, because the liberation of pain might emanate from the ideation.  The foundation is here laid for a very definite assumption concerning the nature of the affective development.  It is regarded as a motor or secondary activity, the key to the innervation of which is located in the presentations of the Unc.  Through the domination of the Forec. these presentations become, as it were, throttled and inhibited at the exit of the emotion-developing impulses.  The danger, which is due to the fact that the Forec. ceases to occupy the energy, therefore consists in the fact that the unconscious excitations liberate such an affect as—­in consequence of the repression that has previously taken place—­can only be perceived as pain or anxiety.

Project Gutenberg
Dream Psychology from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.