Dream Psychology eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Dream Psychology.
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Dream Psychology eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Dream Psychology.
theory of wishing in dreams, I am indebted, not to a patient, but to an intelligent jurist of my acquaintance. “I dream,” my informant tells me, “that I am walking in front of my house with a lady on my arm.  Here a closed wagon is waiting, a gentleman steps up to me, gives his authority as an agent of the police, and demands that I should follow him.  I only ask for time in which to arrange my affairs. Can you possibly suppose this is a wish of mine to be arrested?” “Of course not,” I must admit.  “Do you happen to know upon what charge you were arrested?” “Yes; I believe for infanticide.”  “Infanticide?  But you know that only a mother can commit this crime upon her newly born child?” “That is true."[4] “And under what circumstances did you dream; what happened on the evening before?” “I would rather not tell you that; it is a delicate matter.”  “But I must have it, otherwise we must forgo the interpretation of the dream.”  “Well, then, I will tell you.  I spent the night, not at home, but at the house of a lady who means very much to me.  When we awoke in the morning, something again passed between us.  Then I went to sleep again, and dreamt what I have told you.”  “The woman is married?” “Yes.”  “And you do not wish her to conceive a child?” “No; that might betray us.”  “Then you do not practice normal coitus?” “I take the precaution to withdraw before ejaculation.”  “Am I permitted to assume that you did this trick several times during the night, and that in the morning you were not quite sure whether you had succeeded?” “That might be the case.”  “Then your dream is the fulfillment of a wish.  By means of it you secure the assurance that you have not begotten a child, or, what amounts to the same thing, that you have killed a child.  I can easily demonstrate the connecting links.  Do you remember, a few days ago we were talking about the distress of matrimony (Ehenot), and about the inconsistency of permitting the practice of coitus as long as no impregnation takes place, while every delinquency after the ovum and the semen meet and a foetus is formed is punished as a crime?  In connection with this, we also recalled the mediaeval controversy about the moment of time at which the soul is really lodged in the foetus, since the concept of murder becomes admissible only from that point on.  Doubtless you also know the gruesome poem by Lenau, which puts infanticide and the prevention of children on the same plane.”  “Strangely enough, I had happened to think of Lenau during the afternoon.”  “Another echo of your dream.  And now I shall demonstrate to you another subordinate wish-fulfillment in your dream.  You walk in front of your house with the lady on your arm.  So you take her home, instead of spending the night at her house, as you do in actuality.  The fact that the wish-fulfillment, which is the essence of the dream, disguises itself in such an unpleasant form, has perhaps more than one reason.  From my essay on the etiology of anxiety neuroses, you will
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Dream Psychology from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.