The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,582 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,582 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4.
Thou art distinguished for thy sexual continence.  Thou always liest on thy back.  Thou hast thy abode in Puissance.[109] Thou hast three matted locks on thy head.  Thou art he that is clad in rags.  Thou art Rudra (in consequence of thy fierceness).  Thou art the celestial generalissimo, and thou art all pervading.  Thou art he that moves about during the day.  Thou art he that moves about in the night.[110] Thou art of fierce wrath.  Thou art possessed of dazzling effulgence (born of Vedic study and penances).  Thou art the slayer of the mighty Asura who had come in the form of an infuriate elephant for destroying thy sacred city of Varanasi.  Thou art the slayer of such Daityas as become the oppressors of the universe.  Thou art Kala or Time which is the universal destroyer.  Thou art the supreme ordainer of the universe.  Thou art a mine of excellent accomplishments.  Thou art of the form of the lion and the tiger.  Thou art he that is clad in the skin of an elephant.  Thou art the Yogin who deceives Time by transcending its irresistible influence.  Thou art the original sound.[111] Thou art the fruition of all desires.  Thou art he that is adored in four ways.[112] Thou art a night-wanderer (like Vetala and others).  Thou art he that wanders in the company of spirits.  Thou art he that wanders in the company of ghostly beings.  Thou art the Supreme Lord of even Indra and the other celestials.  Thou art he that hast multiplied himself infinitely in the form of all existent and non-existent things.  Thou art the upholder of both Mahat and all the innumerable combinations of the five primal elements.  Thou art the primeval Ignorance or Tamas that is known by the name of Rahu.  Thou art without measure and hence infinite.  Thou art the supreme End that is attained by the Emancipate.  Thou art fond of dancing.  Thou art he that is always engaged in dancing.  Thou art he that causes others to dance.  Thou art the friend of the universe.  Thou art he whose aspect is calm and mild.  Thou art endued with penances puissant enough to create and destroy the universe.  Thou art he who binds all creatures with the bonds of thy illusion.  Thou art he that transcends destruction.  Thou art he who dwells on the mount Kailasa.  Thou transcendest all bonds and art unattached in respect of all things, like Space.  Thou art possessed of a thousand arms.  Thou art victory.  Thou art that perseverance which is the cause of success or victory.  Thou art without idleness or procrastination that interferes with persevering activity.  Thou art dauntless.  Thou art fear, Thou art he who put a stop to Vali’s sacrifice.[113] Thou fulfillest the desires of all thy devotees.  Thou art the destroyer of Daksha’s sacrifice.  Thou art amiable.  Thou art slightly amiable.  Thou art exceedingly fierce and robbest all creatures of their energy.  Thou art the slayer of the Asura Vala.  Thou art always cheerful.  Thou art of the form of wealth which is coveted by all.  Thou hast never been vanquished.[114] There is none
Project Gutenberg
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.