beautiful armlets; He that produces all creatures;
He that is the original cause of the birth of all creatures;
He that is the terror of all the wicked Asuras; He
that is endued with terrible prowess (CMXLI—CMXLIX);
He that is the receptacle and abode of the five primal
elements; He that gulps down His throat all creatures
at the time of the universal dissolution; He whose
smile is as agreeable as the sight of flowers; (or,
He who laughs in the form of flowers); He that is
always wakeful; He that stays at the head of all creatures;
He whose conduct consists of those acts which the
Righteous do; He that revives the dead (as in the
case of Parikshit and others); He that is the initial
syllable Om; He that has ordained all righteous acts
(CML—CMLVIII); He that displays the truth
about the Supreme Soul; He that is the abode of the
five life-breaths and the senses; He that is the food
which supports the life of living creatures; He that
causes all living creatures to live with the aid of
the life-breath called Prana; He that is the great
topic of every system of philosophy; He that is the
One Soul in the universe; He that transcends birth,
decrepitude, and death (CMLIX—CMLXV); He
that rescues the universe in consequence of the sacred
syllable Bhuh, Bhuvah, Swah, and the others with which
Homa offerings are made; He that is the great rescuer;
He that is the sire of all; He that is the sire of
even the Grandsire (Brahman); He that is of the form
of Sacrifice; He that is the Lord of all sacrifices
(being the great deity that is adored in them); He
that is the sacrificer; He that has sacrifices for
his limbs; He that upholds all sacrifices (CMLXXVI—CMLXXXV);
He that protects sacrifices; He that has created sacrifices;
He that is the foremost of all performers of sacrifices;
He that enjoys the rewards of all sacrifices; He that
causes the accomplishment of all sacrifices; He that
completes all sacrifices by accepting the full libation
at the end; He that is identical with such sacrifices
as are performed without desire of fruit; He that
is the food which sustains all living creatures; He
that is also the eater of that food (CMLXXVI—CMLXXXIV);
He that is Himself the cause of His existence; He
that is self-born; He that penetrated through the
solid earth (and repairing to the nether regions slew
Hiranyaksha and others); He that sings the Samans;
He that is the delighter of Devaki; He that is the
creator of all; He that is the Lord of the earth;
He that is the destroyer of the sins of his worshippers
(CMLXXXV—CMXXCII); He that bears the conch
(Panchajanya) in His hands; He that bears the sword
of knowledge and illusion; He that sets the cycle
of the Yugas to revolve ceaselessly; He that invests
Himself with consciousness and senses; He that is
endued with the mace of the most solid understanding.
He that is armed with a car-wheel; He that is incapable
of being agitated; He that is armed with all kinds
of weapons (CMXCIII—M). Om, salutations
to Him!