ordains all acts and their fruits, He that is superior
to the Grandsire Brahma (XXXVIII—XLVI);[594]
the Immeasurable, the Lord of the senses (or He that
has curled locks), He from whose navel the primeval
lotus sprang, the Lord of all the deities, the Artificer
of the universe, the Mantra, He that weakens or emaciates
all things, He that is vast, the Ancient one, He that
is enduring (XLVII—LVI).[595] He that is
incapable of being seized (by either the senses or
the mind), the Eternal One, Krishna, the Red-eyed,
He that kills all creatures at the time of the universal
dissolution, He that is vast for knowledge and puissance
and other attributes of the kind, He that resides in
three parts (above, middle, and below) of every, creature.
That which cleanses, is auspicious, and high (LVII—LXIV).[596]
He that urges all creatures in respect of all their
acts. He that causes the life-breaths to act.
He that causes all living creatures to live, the Eldest,
the Foremost of all those that are regarded as the
Lords of all creatures, He that has gold in his abdomen,
He that has the Earth for his abdomen, the Lord of
Sri or Lakshmi, the Slayer of Madhu (LXV—LXXII)[597]:
the Omnipotent, He that is endued with great prowess,
He that is armed with the bow, He that is Possessed
of a mind capable of bearing the contents of all treatises,
He that roves through the universe, riding on Garuda.
He that is well suited to the offerings made unto
Him and that has the power to enjoy them properly,
the Unrivalled, He that is incapable of being discomfited,
He that knows all acts that are done, He that is identical
with all acts, He that rests on His own true self
(LXXIV—LXXXIV)[598] the Lord of all the
deities, He that is the Refuge of all, the embodiment
of the highest felicity, He whose seed is the universe,
He that is the source of all things, the day (in consequence
of His awakening Jiva who is steeped in the sleep
of Nescience), the Year, the Snake (owing to His being
incapable of being seized), the embodiment of Conviction,
He that sees all things (LXXXV—xciv):[599]
the Unborn, the Lord of all creatures, He that has
achieved success, He that is Success itself, He that
is the beginning of all things (in consequence of
His being the cause of all things), He that is above
deterioration, He that is Righteousness in the form
of the bovine bull and the great boar that raised the
submerged Earth, He that is of immeasurable soul,
He that stands aloof from all kinds of union (XCV—CIII);[600]
He that is Pauaka among the deities called Vasus (or,
He that dwells in His worshippers). He that is
liberal soul, being freed from wrath and hatred and
pride and other evil passions. Truth whose soul
is equable in consequence of His thorough impartiality,
He that has been measured by His worshippers, He that
is always equal, being above all change or modification,
He that never refuses to grant the wishes of His worshippers,
He whose eyes are like the petals of the lotus, He