daughters of Rudra adorned with celestial garlands
and endued with the effulgence of the midday sun or
the fires of blazing flames. Attaining to the
regions of Rudra, he lives there in great happiness
for countless years. He who fasts for nine days
and takes only one meal every tenth day for a whole
year, and pours libations on his sacred fire every
day, acquires the high merit of a thousand Horse-sacrifices,
and attains to the companionship of Brahmanas’
daughters endued with beauty capable of charming the
hearts of all creatures. These damsels, possessed
of such beauty, and some of them possessed of complexion
like that of the lotus and some like that of the same
flower of the blue variety, always keep him in joy[495].
He acquires a beautiful vehicle, that moves in beautiful
circles and that looks like the dense cloud called
Avarta, verily, it may be said to resemble also an
ocean-wave. That vehicle resounds with the constant
tinkle of rows of pearls and gems, and the melodious
blare of conchs, and is adorned with columns made
of crystals and diamonds, as also with an altar constructed
of the same minerals. He makes his journeys on
such a car, drawn by swans and cranes and lives for
millions and millions of years in great happiness
in heaven. He who fasts for ten days and eats
only ghee on every eleventh day for a whole year and
pours libations on his sacred fire every day, who
never, in word or thought, covets the companionship
of other people’s wives and who never utters
an untruth even for the sake of his mother and father,
succeeds in beholding Mahadeva of great puissance
seated on his car. Such a person acquires the
high merit of a thousand Horse-sacrifices. He
beholds the car of the Self-born Brahman himself approach
for taking him on it. He rides in it, accompanied
by celestial damsels possessed of great beauty, and
complexion as effulgent as that of pure gold.
Endued with the blazing splendour of the Yoga-fire,
he lives for countless years in a celestial mansion
in heaven, full of every happiness. For those
countless years he experiences the joy of bending
his head in reverence unto Rudra adored by deities
and Danavas. Such a person obtains every day
the sight of the great deity. That man who having
fasted for eleven days eats only a little ghee on the
twelfth, and observes this conduct for a whole year,
succeeds in obtaining the merits attaching to all
the sacrifices. The car he rides in is possessed
of the effulgence of a dozen suns. Adorned with
gems and pearls and corals of great value, embellished
with rows of swans and snakes and of peacocks and
Chakravakas uttering their melodious notes, and beautified
with large domes, is the residence to which he attains
in the region of Brahman. That abode, O king,
is always filled with men and women (who wait upon
him for service). Even this is what the highly
blessed Rishi Angiras, conversant with every duty,
said (regarding the fruits of such a fast). That
man who having fasted for twelve days eats a little