The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,886 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,886 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3.
I never reject such enjoyments as are consistent with virtue and as are obtained by me without effort.  I do not, at the same time, strive for attaining such objects as are difficult of acquisition.  The rigid vow I have adopted is called Ajagara.[538] That vow can secure immortality.  It is auspicious and griefless.  It is incomparable and pure.  It is consistent with the counsels of the wise.  It is disapproved by persons of foolish understanding who never follow it.  With a pure heart I conduct myself according to it.  My mind never swerves from this vow.  I have not swerved from the practices of my order.  I am abstemious in everything.  I know the past and the present.  Divested of fear and wrath and cupidity and errors of judgment, I follow this vow with a pure heart.  There are no restrictions in respect of food and drink and other objects of enjoyment for one practising this vow.  As everything is dependent on destiny, there is no observance of the considerations of time and place for one like us.  The vow I follow contributes to true happiness of the heart.  It is never observed by those that are wicked.  I follow it with a pure heart.  Induced by cupidity, men pursue different kinds of wealth.  If baffled in the pursuit, they become depressed by sorrow.  Reflecting properly upon all this by the aid of my intelligence which has penetrated the truths of things, I follow this vow with a pure heart.  I have seen persons in distress seeking, for the acquisition of wealth, the shelter of men, good and bad.  Devoted to tranquillity, and with my passions under control, I follow this vow with a pure heart.  Beholding, by the aid of truth, that happiness and misery, loss and gain, attachment and renunciation, death and life, are all ordained by destiny, I follow this vow with a pure heart.  Divested of fear and attachment and errors of judgment and pride, and endued with wisdom, intelligence, and understanding, and devoted to tranquillity and hearing that large snakes without moving enjoy the fruit that comes to them of itself, I follow their practice with a pure heart.  Without restrictions of any kind in respect of bed and food, endued by my nature with self-restraint, abstemiousness, pure vow, truth, and purity of conduct, and without any desire to store (for future use) the rewards of action, I follow, with a delighted and pure heart, this vow.  All causes of sorrow have fled from me in consequence of my having driven off the object of desire.  Having received an accession of light, I follow this vow with a pure heart, for controlling my soul which is thirsty and unrestrained but which is capable (under proper culture) of depending upon itself (without the necessity of external objects to keep it engaged).  Without paying any heed to the concerns towards which my heart, mind, words would like to lead me, and marking that the happiness which is connected with these is both difficult of acquisition and fleeting in respect of duration, I follow this vow with a pure heart. 
Project Gutenberg
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.