the gods, and the celestial Rishis know a little of
thee. Thou art the highest of the high and knowest
no deterioration. The gods, the Danavas, the
Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Pannagas, do not know
who thou art and whence art thou. All the worlds
and all created things live in thee, and enter thee
(when the dissolution comes). Like gems strung
together in a thread, all things that have attributes
reside in thee, the Supreme Lord.’[138] Having
the universe for thy work and the universe for thy
limbs, this universe consisting of mind and matter
resides in thy eternal and all-pervading soul like
a number of flowers strung together in a strong thread.
Thou art called Hari, of a thousand heads, a thousand
feet, a thousand eyes, a thousand arms, a thousand
crowns, and a thousand faces of great splendour.
Thou art called Narayana, divinity, and the refuge
of the universe. Thou art the subtlest of the
subtle, grossest of the gross, the heaviest of the
heavy and the highest of the high. In the Vaks,
the Anuvaks, the Nishads, and Upanishads, thou art
regarded as the Supreme Being of irresistible force.
In the Samans also, whose declarations are always true,
thou art regarded as Truth’s self![139] Thou
art of quadruple soul. Thou art displayed in
only the understanding (of all creatures). Thou
art the Lord of those that are bound to thee in faith.
O God, thou art adored (by the faithful) under four
excellent, high, and secret names.[140] Penances are
ever present in thee. Performed (by other creatures
for gratifying thee), penances live in thy form.
Thou art the Universal Soul. Thou art of universal
knowledge. Thou art the universe. Thou art
omniscient. Thou art the creator of everything
in the universe.[141] Like a couple of sticks generating
a blazing fire, thou hast been born of the divine Devaki
and Vasudeva for the protection of Brahma on earth.[142]
For this eternal salvation, the devout worshipper,
with mind withdrawn from everything else and casting
off all desires, beholds thee, O Govinda, that art
the pure Soul, in his own soul. Thou transcendest
Surya in glory. Thou art beyond the ken of the
senses and the understanding. O Lord of all creatures,
I place myself in thy hands. In the Puranas thou
hast been spoken as Purusha (all-pervading spirit).
On occasions of the commencement of the Yugas, thou
art said to be Brahma, while on occasions of universal
dissolution thou art spoken of as Sankarshana.
Adorable thou art, and therefore I adore thee.
Though one, thou hast yet been born in innumerable
forms. Thou hast thy passions under complete control.
Thy devout worshippers, faithfully performing the
rites laid down in the scriptures, sacrifice to thee,
O giver of every wish! Thou art called the sheath
within which the universe lies. All created things
live in thee. Like swans and ducks swimming on
the water, all the worlds that we see float in thee.
Thou art Truth. Thou art One and undeteriorating.
Thou art Brahma, Thou art That which is beyond Mind