times of bliss, or glad during times of woe. It
seems that Destiny is all-powerful. Or, if it
be thy nature, in consequence of which thou art thus
afflicted, how is it that it does not behove thee
to recollect the sight thou sawest before,
the scantily-clad Krishna dragged, while in her season,
before the assembly.[43] Why does it not behove thee
to recollect our expulsion from the (Kuru) city and
our exile (into the woods) dressed in deerskins, as
also our living in the great forests? Why hast
thou forgotten the woes inflicted by Jatasura, the
battle with Chitrasena, and the distress suffered
at the hands of the Sindhu king? Why hast thou
forgotten the kick received by the princess Draupadi
from Kichaka white we were living in concealment?
A fierce battle, O chastiser of foes, like that which
thou hast fought with Bhishma and Drona is now before
thee, to be fought (however) with thy mind alone.
In deed, that battle is now before thee in which there
is no need of arrows, of friends, of relatives and
kinsmen, but which will have to be fought with thy
mind alone. If thou givest up thy life-breath
before conquering in this battle, then, assuming another
body, thou shalt have to fight these very foes again.[44]
Therefore, fight that battle this very day, O bull
of Bharata’s race, disregarding the concerns
of thy body, and aided by thy own acts, conquer and
identify with thy mind’s foe.[45] If thou canst
not win that battle, what wilt be thy condition?
On the other hand, by winning it, O monarch, thou shalt
have attained the great end of life. Applying
thy intellect to this, and ascertaining the right
and the wrong paths of creatures, follow thou the
course adopted by thy sire before thee and govern properly
thy kingdom. By good luck, O king, the sinful
Duryodhana hath been stain with all his followers.
By good luck, thou too hast attained to the condition
of Draupadi’s locks.[46] Perform with due rites
and profuse presents the horse-sacrifice. We,
are thy servants, O son of Pritha, as also Vasudeva
of great energy!’”
“Yudhishthira said, ’Discontent, heedless
attachment to earthly goods, the absence of tranquillity,
might, folly, vanity, and anxiety,—affected
by these sins, O Bhima, thou covetest sovereignty.
Freed from desire, prevailing over joy and grief and
attaining to tranquillity, strive thou to be happy.
That peerless monarch who will govern this unbounded
earth, will have but one stomach. Why dost thou
then applaud this course of life? One’s
desires, O bull of Bharata’s race, are incapable
of being filled in a day, or in many months.
Desire, which is incapable of gratification, cannot,
indeed, be fitted in course of one’s whole life.
Fire, when fed with fuel, blazeth forth; when not so
fed, it is extinguished. Do thou, therefore,
extinguish with little food the fire in thy stomach
when it appears. He that is bereft of wisdom seeks