and solitary river banks and secluded forests, and
sacred spots dedicated to the deities, and lakes and
waters withdrawn from the busy hunts of men, and lone
mountain caves affording the accommodation that houses
and mansions afford. The Soul regards himself
as employed in the recitation of different kinds of
hidden Mantras or as observing different vows and
rules and diverse kinds of penances, and sacrifices
of many kinds, and rites of diverse sorts. The
Soul regards himself as adopting sometimes the way
of traders and merchants and the practices of Brahmanas
and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and Sudras, and gifts of
diverse kinds unto those that are destitute or blind
or help-less. In consequence of his being invested
with Ignorance, the Soul adopts different attributes
of Sattwa and Rajas and Tamas, and Righteousness and
Wealth and pleasure. Under the influence of Prakriti
the Soul, undergoing modification himself, observes
and adopts and practices all these and regards himself
as such. Indeed, the Soul regards himself as employed
in the utterance of the sacred mantras Swaha and Swadha
and Vashat, and in bowing unto those he regards as
his Superiors; in officiating in the sacrifices of
others, in teaching pupils, making gifts and accepting
them; in performing sacrifices and studying, the scriptures,
and doing all other acts and rites of this kind.
The Soul regards himself as concerned with birth and
death and disputes and slaughter. All these, the
learned say, constitute the path of acts good and
bad. It is the goddess Prakriti who causes birth
and death. When the time approaches for universal
Destruction, all existent objects and attributes are
withdrawn by the Supreme Soul which then exists alone
like the Sun withdrawing at evening all his rays; and
when the time comes for Creation He once more creates
and spreads them out like the Sun shedding and spreading
out his rays when morning comes. Even thus the
Soul, for the sake of sport, repeatedly regards himself
invested with all these conditions, which are his own
forms and attributes, infinite in number, and agreeable
to himself. It is this way that the Soul, though
really transcending the three attributes, becomes
attached to the path of acts and creates by modification
Prakriti invested with the attributes of birth and
death and identical with all acts and conditions which
are characterised by the three attributes of Sattwa,
Rajas, and Tamas. Arrived at the path of action,
the Soul regards particular acts to be endued with
particular characteristics and productive of particular
ends. O monarch, the whole of this universe has
been blinded by Prakriti and all things have been diversely
overwhelmed (through Prakriti) by the attributes of
Rajas and Tamas. It is in consequence of the
Soul being invested by Prakriti that these pairs of
opposites productive of happiness and woe, repeatedly
come. It is in consequence of this Ignorance
that Jiva regards these sorrows to be his and imagines
them as pursuing him. Indeed, O monarch, through