and which is the home of all auspiciousness, does not
return thence, O Bharata. What remains, O son,
is the mind with the senses, O Bharata. These
have to come back once more at the appointed season
for doing the bidding of their great master.[1599]
Soon after, O son of Kunti, (when this body is cast
off) the Yati striving after Emancipation, endued
as he is with knowledge and desirous as he is of Guna,
succeeds in attaining to that Peace of Emancipation
which is his who becomes bodiless.[1600] [1601] The
Sankhyas, O king, are endued with great wisdom.
They succeed in attaining to the highest end by means
of this kind of knowledge. There is no knowledge
that is equal to this. Do not yield to any kind
of doubt. The knowledge which is described in
the system of the Sankhyas is regarded as the highest.
That knowledge is immutable and is eternally fixed.
It is eternal Brahma in fulness. It has no beginning,
middle and end. It transcends all pairs of opposites.
It is the cause of the creation of the universe.
It stands in fulness. It is without deterioration
of any kind. It is uniform, and everlasting.
Thus are its praises sung by the wise. From it
flow creation and destruction and all modifications.
The great Rishis speak of it and applaud it in the
scriptures. All learned Brahmanas and all righteous
men regard it as flowing from Brahma, Supreme, Divine,
Infinite, Immutable, and Undeteriorating. All
Brahmanas again that are attached to objects of the
senses adore and applaud it by ascribing to it attributes
that belong to illusion.[1602] The same is the view
of Yogins well observant of penances and meditation
and of Sankhyas of immeasureable insight. The
Srutis declare, O son of Kunti, that the Sankhya form
of philosophy is the form of that Formless one.
The cognitions (according to that philosophy) have,
O chief of Bharata’s race, been said to be the
knowledge of Brahma.[1603]
“There are two kinds of creatures on Earth,
O lord of Earth, viz., mobile and immobile.
Of these that are mobile are superior, That high knowledge,
O king, which exists in persons conversant with Brahma,
and that which occurs in the Vedas, and that which
is found in other scriptures, and that in Yoga, and
that which may be seen in the diverse Puranas, are
all, O monarch, to be found in Sankhya philosophy.[1604]
Whatever knowledge is seen to exist in high histories
whatever knowledge occurs, O king, in the sciences
appertaining to the acquisition of wealth as approved
by the wise, whatever other knowledge exists in this
world,—all these,—flow, O high-souled
monarch, from the high knowledge that occurs among
the Sankhyas. Tranquillity of soul, high puissance,
all subtile knowledge of which the scriptures speak,
penances of subtile force, and all kinds of felicity,
O king, have all been duly ordained in the Sankhya
system. Failing to acquire, O son of Pritha,
that complete knowledge which is recommended by their
system, the Sankhyas attain to the status of deities