off one’s person before they become thick, after
the same manner one should, with vigorous efforts,
wash off one’s faults.[1354] By mixing only a
few flowers with them, grains of sesame cannot be
made to cast off their own odour (and become at once
fragrant). After the same manner, one cannot,
by cleansing one’s heart only a little, succeed
in beholding the Soul. When, however, those grains
are perfumed repeatedly with the aid of a large quantity
of flowers, it is then that they cast off their own
odour and assume that of the flowers with which they
are mixed. After this manner, faults, in the
form of attachments to all our environments, are dispelled
by the understanding in course of many lives, with
the aid of a large dose of the attribute of the Sattwa,
and by means of efforts born of practice.[1355] Listen,
O Danava, by what means creatures attached to acts
and those unattached to them attain the causes that
lead to their respective states of mind.[1356] Listen
to me with undivided attention. I shall, in their
due order, discourse to thee, O puissant Danava, as
to how creatures betake themselves to action and how
they give up action.[1357] The Supreme Lord creates
all creatures mobile and immobile. He is without
beginning and without end. Unendued with attributes
of any kind, he assumes attributes (when he chooses
to create). He is the universal Destroyer, the
Refuge of all things, the Supreme Ordainer, and pure
Chit.[1358] In all creatures it is He who dwells as
the mutable and the immutable. It is He who,
having eleven modifications for His essence, drinketh
this universe with His rays.[1359] Know that the Earth
is His feet. His head is constituted by Heaven.
His arms, O Daitya, are the several points of the
compass or the horizon. The intermediate space
is His ears. The light of His eye is the Sun,
and His mind is in the Moon. His understanding
dwells always in Knowledge, and His tongue is in Water.[1360]
O best of Danavas, the Planets are in the midst of
His brows. The starts and constellations are
from the light of His eyes. The Earth is in His
feet. O Danava! Know also that the attributes
of Rajas, Tamas, and Sattwa are of Him. He is
the fruit (or end) of all the modes of life, and He
it is who should be known as the fruit (or reward)
of all (pious) acts (such as Japa and Sacrifice, etc.).[1361]
The Highest and Immutable, He is also the fruit of
abstention from all work. The Chandas are the
hair on His body, and Akshara (or Pranava) is His word.
The diverse orders (of men) and the modes of life
are His refuge. His mouths are many. Duty
(or religion) is planted in his heart. He is Brahma;
He is the highest Righteousness; He is Sat and He
is Asat;[1362] He is Sruti; He is the scriptures;
He is the Sacrificial vessel; He is the six and ten
Ritwijes; He is all the Sacrifices; He is the Grandsire
(Brahman); He is Vishnu; He is the twin Aswins; and
He is Purandara;[1363] He is Mitra; He is Varuna;
He is Yama; He is Kuvera the lord of treasures.