strike each other, each regarding the other as Arjuna’s
self.’ ‘This is Arjuna!’ ‘This
is Govinda!’ ‘They are Pandu’s son
and he is of Yadu’s race!’ Uttering such
exclamations, and deprived of their senses, they slew
one another in that battle. Deprived of their
senses by that mighty weapon, they slew one another.
Indeed, those warriors (while striking one another)
looked beautiful like blossoming Kinsukas. Consuming
those thousands of arrows shot by them, that (mighty)
weapon despatched those heroes to Yama’s abode.
Then Vibhatsu, laughing, crushed with his arrows the
Lalithya, the Malava, the Mavellaka, and the Trigarta
warriors. While those Kshatriyas, urged by fate,
were thus slaughtered by that hero, they shot at Partha
showers of diverse kinds of arrows. Overwhelmed
with those terrible showers of arrows, neither Arjuna,
nor his car, nor Kesava, could any longer be seen.
Seeing their arrows strike the aim, they uttered joyous
shouts. And regarding the two Krishnas as already
slain, they joyously waved their garments in the air.
And those heroes also blew their conchs and beat their
drums and cymbals by thousands, and uttered many leonine
shouts, O sire! Then Krishna, covered with sweat,
and much weakened, addressed Arjuna, saying, ’Where
art thou, O Partha! I do not see thee. Art
thou alive, O slayer of foes?’ Hearing those
words of his, Dhananjaya with great speed dispelled,
by means of the Vayavya weapon, that arrowy downpour
shot by his foes. Then the illustrious Vayu (the
presiding deity of that mighty weapon) bore away crowds
of Samsaptakas with steeds and elephants and cars
and weapons, as if these were dry leaves of trees.
Borne away by the wind, O king, they looked highly
beautiful, like flights of birds, O monarch, flying
away from trees. Then Dhananjaya, having afflicted
them thus, with great speed struck hundreds and thousands
of them with sharp shafts. And he cut off their
heads and also hands with weapons in their grasp,
by means of his broad-headed arrows. And he felled
on the ground, with his shafts, their thighs, resembling
the trunks of elephants. And some were wounded
on their backs, arms and eyes. And thus Dhananjaya
deprived his foes of diverse limbs, and cars decked
and equipped according to rule, and looking like the
vapour edifices in the welkin, he cut off into fragments,
by means of his arrows, their riders and steeds and
elephants. And in many places crowds of cars,
whose standards had been cut off, looked like forests
of headless palmyras. And elephants with excellent
weapons, banners, hooks, and standards fell down like
wooded mountains, split with Sakra’s thunder.
Graced with tails, looking like those of the yak, and
covered with coats of mail, and with their entrails
and eyes dragged out, steeds along with their riders,
rolled on the ground, slain by means of Partha’s
shafts. No longer holding in their grasp the swords
that had served for their nails, with their coats
of mail tom, and the joints of their bones broken,