The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,393 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,393 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2.
grant without satisfying the condition of that grant or for him who abandoneth one asking for shelter, or for him who slayeth a candidate for his favour, those that are for persons that set fire to houses and for those that slay kine, those regions that are for those that injure others, those that are for persons harbouring malice against Brahmanas, those that are for him who from folly doth not seek the companionship of his wife in her season, those also that are for those that seek the companionship of women on the day they have to perform the Sraddha of their ancestors, those that are for persons that injure their own selves, or for those that misappropriate what is deposited with them from confidence or for those that destroy learning, or for those who battle with eunuchs, or for those that follow persons that are mean those regions that are for atheists, or for those that abandon their (sacred) fires and mothers, and those regions also that are for the sinful, those shall be ours, if without slaying Dhananjaya we return from the field, or if, ground by him on the field, we turn back from fear.  If, again, we succeed in achieving in battle feats the most difficult of accomplishment in the world, we shalt then, without doubt, obtain the most desirable regions.  Having said these words, O king, those heroes then marched to battle, summoning Arjuna towards the southern part of the field.  That tiger among men, and subjugator of hostile cities, Arjuna, thus challenged by them, said these words unto king Yudhishthira the Just without any delay:  ’Summoned, I never turn back.  This is my fixed vow.  These men, sworn to conquer or die, are summoning me, O king, to great battle.  This Susarman here, with his brothers, summoneth me to battle.  It behoveth thee to grant me permission for slaying him, with all his followers.  O bull among men, I am unable to brook this challenge.  I tell thee truly, know these foes to be (already) slain in battle.’

“Yudhishthira said, ’Thou hast heard, O child, in detail, what Drona hath resolved to accomplish.  Act thou in such a way that that resolve of his may become futile.  Drona is endued with great might.  He is a hero, accomplished in arms, and above fatigue.  O mighty car-warrior, even he hath vowed my seizure.’

“Arjuna said, ’This Satyajit, O king, will today become thy protector in battle.  As long as Satyajit lives, the preceptor will never be able to attain his desire.  If, however, O lord, this tiger among men, Satyajit, be slain in battle, thou shouldst not then remain on the field even if surrounded by all our warriors.’

“’Sanjaya continued, ’King Yudhishthira then gave (Arjuna) the leave (he sought).  And he also embraced Arjuna and eyed him affectionately.  And diverse were the benedictions that the king uttered on him.  Having made this arrangement (for Yudhishthira’s protection),[31] the mighty Partha went out against the Trigartas, like a hungry lion, for assuaging his hunger upon a herd of deer.  Then Duryodhana’s troops, filled with joy at Arjuna’s absence (from Yudhishthira’s side), became furious for the seizure of Yudhishthira.  Then both the hosts, with a great impetuosity, encountered each other, like the Ganga and the Sarayu in the season of rains when both streams are swollen with water.’”

Project Gutenberg
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.