saluting the grandsire stood with joined hands, and
said,—What shall I do?—Beholding
then that son of Pandu, O monarch, thus standing before
him after having offered him respectful salutations,
Bhishma of righteous soul cheerfully addressed Dhananjaya,
saying,—Covered all over with thy shafts,
my body is burning greatly! All the vital parts
of my body are in agony. My mouth is dry.
Staying as I am with body afflicted with agony, give
me water, O Arjuna! Thou art a great bowman!
Thou art capable of giving me water duly!—The
valiant Arjuna then saying,—So be it,—mounted
on his car, and striking his Gandiva with force, began
to stretch it. Hearing the twang of his bow and
the slap of his palms which resembled the roar of the
thunder, the troops and the kings were all inspired
with fear. Then that foremost of car-warriors,
mounted on his car, circumambulated that prostrate
chief of the Bharatas, that foremost of all wielders
of weapons. Aiming then a blazing arrow, after
having inspired it with Mantras and identified it
with the Parjanya weapon, in the very sight of the
entire army, the son of Pandu, viz., Partha,
pierced the Earth a little to the south of where Bhishma
lay. Then there arose a jet of water that was
pure, and auspicious, and cool, and that resembling
the nectar itself, was of celestial scent and taste.
And with that cool jet of water Partha gratified Bhishma,
that bull among the Kurus, of godlike deeds and prowess.
And at that feat of Partha who resembled Sakra himself
in his acts, all those rulers of Earth were filled
with great wonder. And beholding that feat of
Vibhatsu implying superhuman prowess, the Kurus trembled
like kine afflicted with cold. And from wonder
all the kings there present waved their garments (in
the air). And loud was the blare of conchs and
the beat of drums that were then heard all over the
field. And Santanu’s son, his thirst quenched,
then addressed Jishnu, O monarch, and said, applauding
him highly in the presence of all those kings, these
words, viz.,—O thou of mighty arms,
this is not wonderful in thee, O son of Kuru’s
race! O thou of immeasurable effulgence, even
Narada spoke of thee as an ancient Rishi! Indeed,
with Vasudeva as thy ally, thou wilt achieve many
mighty feats which the chief of the celestials himself
with all the gods, of a certainty, will not venture
to achieve! They that have knowledge of such
things know thee to be the destroyer of the whole
Kshatriya race! Thou art the one bowman among
the bowmen of the world! Thou art the foremost
among men. As human beings are, in this world,
foremost of all creatures, as Garuda is the foremost
of all winged creatures; as the Ocean is the foremost
among all receptacles of water and the cow among all
quadrupeds; as the Sun is the foremost amongst all
luminous bodies and Himavat among all mountains; as
the Brahmana is the foremost among all castes, art
thou the foremost of all bowmen! Dhritarashtra’s
son (Duryodhana) listened not to the words repeatedly