with ten arrows. And the ruler of the Sindhus
struck him with three, and Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti
each struck him with five arrows. And Duryodhana
struck that son of Pandu with twenty sharp arrows.
Bhimasena, O king, pierced in return every one of those
kings, those foremost of men in the world, those mighty
car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army, one after
another. The brave Pandava, that slayer of hostile
heroes, pierced Salya with seven arrows, and Kritavarman
with eight. And he cut off Kripa’s bow
with arrow fixed thereon, O Bharata, in the middle,
dividing it in twain. And after thus cutting off
his bow, he pierced Kripa once more with seven arrows.
And he struck Vinda and Anuvinda with three arrows
each. And he pierced Durmarshana with twenty
arrows, and Chitrasena with five, and Vikarna with
ten, and Jayadratha with five. And once more
striking the ruler of the Sindhus with three arrows,
he uttered a loud shout, filled with joy. Then
Gautama, that foremost of car-warriors, taking up
another bow, angrily pierced Bhima with ten sharp
shafts. Pierced with those ten shafts like a huge
elephant with the hook, the valiant Bhimasena, O king,
filled with wrath, struck Gautama in that battle with
many shafts. Possessed of the splendour of Yama
himself, as he appears at the end of the Yuga, Bhimasena
then, with three arrows, despatched unto Death’s
domain the steeds of the ruler of the Sindhus as also
his charioteer. Thereupon that mighty car-warrior,
(viz., Jayadratha), quickly jumping down from that
car whose steeds had been slain, shot in that battle
many sharp-pointed shafts at Bhimasena. Then,
O sire, with a couple of broad-headed arrows, he cut
off, O chief of the Bharatas, the bow of the high-souled
king of the Sindhus in the middle. His bow cut
off, himself deprived of car, his steeds and charioteer
slain, Jayadratha then, O king, quickly mounted on
the car of Chitrasena. Indeed, the son of Pandu
achieved in that battle a most wonderful feat, for
piercing all those mighty car-warriors and holding
them in check, he deprived, O sire, the ruler of the
Sindhus of his car in the very sight of all the army.
Salya could not brook to see the prowess that Bhimasena
displayed, for saying unto him,—Wait, Wait,—he
aimed some sharp arrows well-polished by the forger’s
hands, and pierced Bhima therewith in that battle.
And Kripa and Kritavarman and the valiant Bhagadatta,
and Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, and Chitrasena, and
Durmarshana, and Vikarna, and the valiant ruler of
the Sindhus also, in that battle,—These
chastisers of foes, all quickly pierced Bhima for the
sake of Salya. Bhima then pierced each of them
in return with five arrows. And he pierced Salya
then with seventy arrows and once more with ten.
And Salya then pierced him with nine arrows and once
more with five. And he pierced Bhimasena’s
charioteer also, deep in his vitals, with a broad-headed
arrow. The valiant Bhimasena then, beholding his
charioteer Visoka deeply pierced, sped three arrows