that lead good lives. Thou shouldst also represent
unto all those persons who ride on elephants, and
horses and cars, and who fight on foot,—that
mighty host composed of honourable men,—that
I am well, and then thou must enquire about their
own welfare. Thou must also enquire about the
welfare of those that serve the king in the matter
of his revenue or as his door-keepers, or as the leaders
of his troops, or as the accountants of his income
and outlay, or as officers constantly occupied in
looking after other important concerns. Thou must,
O sire, also enquire about the welfare of Dhritarashtra’s
son by his Vaisya wife,—that youth who
is one of the best of the Kuru race,—who
never falls into error, who possesseth vast wisdom,
who is endued with every virtue, and who never cherishes
a liking for this war! Thou shouldst also ask
about the welfare of Chitrasena who is unrivalled in
the tricks of dice, whose tricks are never detected
by others, who plays well, who is well-versed in the
art of handling the dice, and who is unconquerable
in play but not in fight. Thou must also, O sire,
enquire about the welfare of Sakuni, the king of the
Gandharas, that native of the hilly country, who is
unrivalled in deceitful games at dice, who enhances
the pride of Dhritarashtra’s son, and whose
understanding naturally leads to falsehood. Thou
must also enquire about the welfare of Karna, the son
of Vikartana, that hero who is ready to vanquish,
alone and unassisted, mounted on his car, the Pandavas
whom no one dares assail in battle, that Karna who
is unparalleled in deluding those that are already
deluded. Thou must also enquire about the welfare
of Vidura, O sire, who alone is devoted to us, who
is our instructor, who reared us, who is our father
and mother and friend, whose understanding finds obstruction
in nought, whose ken reaches far, and who is our counsellor.
Thou must also salute all the aged dames and those
who are known to be possessed of merit, and those
who are like mothers to us, meeting them gathered together
in one place. Thou must tell them, O Sanjaya,
these words at first,—Ye mothers of living
sons, I hope, your sons comfort themselves towards
you in a kindly, considerate, and worthy way.—Thou
must then tell them that Yudhishthira is doing well
with his sons. Those ladies, O Sanjaya, who are
in the rank of our wives, thou must ask as to their
welfare also addressing them in these words,—I
hope, you are well-protected. I hope, your fair
fame hath suffered no injury. I hope, you are
dwelling within your abodes blamelessly and carefully.
I hope, you are comforting yourselves towards your
fathers-in-law in a kindly, praise-worthy and considerate
way. You must steadily adopt such a conduct for
yourselves as will help you to win your husband’s
favour! Those young ladies, O Sanjaya, who bear
a relationship to us like that of your daughters-in-law,
who have been brought from high families, who are
possessed of merit and who are mothers of children,—thou