resembling the Destroyer himself, swallowing up every
one who approached him then, like the Destroyer himself,
swallowing up creatures when their hour arrives.
Then Drona, O monarch, proclaiming his name in that
battle, covered the Pandavas with many thousands of
shafts. Those shafts shot by Drona, whetted on
stone and engraved with his name, slew in that battle
men and elephants and steeds by hundreds. Thus
slaughtered by Drona, like the Asuras by Sakra, the
Panchalas began to tremble like a herd of kine afflicted
with cold. Indeed, O bull of Bharata’s race,
when the Pandava army was thus being slaughtered by
Drona, there arose an awful wail of woe from it.
Scorched by the sun and slaughtered by means of those
arrows, the Panchalas then became filled with anxiety.
Stupefied by Bharadwaja’s son with his arrowy
showers in that battle the mighty car-warriors among
the Panchalas felt like persons whose thighs had been
seized by alligators. Then, O king, the Chedis,
the Srinjayas, the Kasis, and the Kosalas, rushed
cheerfully against the son of Bharadwaja from desire
of battle. And the Chedis, the Panchalas, and
the Srinjayas addressed one another, saying, ‘Drona
is slain! Drona is slain!’ Saying these
words, they rushed at that hero. Indeed, all these
tigers among men fell with their utmost might upon
the illustrious Drona, desirous of despatching him
to the abode of Yama. Then the son of Bharadwaja,
by means of his shafts, despatched those brave warriors
struggling vigorously in battle, especially those
forest ones among the Chedis, into the presence of
the King of the dead. After those foremost ones
among the Chedis had been exterminated, the Panchalas,
afflicted with the shafts of Drona, began to tremble.
Beholding, O sire, those feats of Drona, they loudly
called after Bhimasena and Dhrishtadyumna, O Bharata,
and said, ’This Brahmana hath, without doubt,
practised the austerest of penances and acquired great
ascetic merit. Inflamed with rage in battle, he
consumeth the foremost of Kshatriyas. A Kshatriya’s
duty is battle; a Brahmana’s, the highest asceticism.
A Brahmana endued with ascetic merit and learning,
is capable of burning everything by his glances only.
Many foremost of Kshatriyas, having approached the
uncrossable and fierce fire of Drona’s weapons,
have, O Bharata, been blasted and consumed. The
illustrious Drona, to the measure of his might, courage,
and perseverance, stupefies all creatures and slays
our troops!’ Hearing these words of theirs,
the mighty Kshatradharman, rightly observant of the
duties of a Kshatriya, wrathfully cut off with a crescent-shaped
arrow the bow of Drona with arrow fixed thereon.
Then Drona, that grinder of Kshatriyas, becoming more
angry still, took up another bright bow, tougher than
the one he had laid aside. Fixing on it a keen
arrow, destructive of hostile ranks, the preceptor,
endued with great strength, sped it at the prince,
drawing the bowstring to his ear. That arrow,
slaying Kshatradharman entered the earth. His