of the Sindhu army. And in that encounter, the
king himself slew in the twinkling of an eye, a hundred
of the best warriors of the Sauviras. And Nakula
too, sword in hand, jumping out of his chariot, scattered
in a moment, like a tiller sowing seeds, the heads
of the combatants fighting in the rear. And Sahadeva
from his chariot began to fell with his iron shafts,
many warriors fighting on elephants, like birds dropped
from the boughs of a tree. Then the king of Trigartas,
bow in hand descending from his great chariot, killed
the four steeds of the king with his mace. But
Kunti’s son, king Yudhishthira the just, seeing
the foe approach so near, and fighting on foot, pierced
his breast with a crescent-shaped arrow. And
that hero, thus wounded in the breast began to vomit
blood, and fell down upon the ground besides Pritha’s
son, like an uprooted tree. And king Yudhishthira
the just, whose steeds had been slain taking this
opportunity, descended with Indrasena from his chariot
and mounted that of Sahadeva. And the two warriors,
Kshemankara and Mahamuksha, singling out Nakula, began
to pour on him from both sides a perfect shower of
keen-edged arrows. The son of Madri, however,
succeeded in slaying, with a couple of long shafts,
both those warriors who had been pouring on him an
arrowy shower—like clouds in the rainy
season. Suratha, the king of Trigartas, well-versed
in elephant-charges, approaching the front of Nakula’s
chariot, caused it to be dragged by the elephant he
rode. But Nakula, little daunted at this, leaped
out of his chariot, and securing a point of vantage,
stood shield and sword in hand, immovable as a hill.
Thereupon Suratha, wishing to slay Nakula at once,
urged towards him his huge and infuriate elephant
with trunk upraised. But when the beast came near,
Nakula with his sword severed from his head both trunk
and tusks. And that mail-clad elephant, uttering
a frightful roar, fell headlong upon the ground, crushing
its riders by the fall. And having achieved this
daring feat, heroic son of Madri, getting up on Bhimasena’s
car, obtained a little rest. And Bhima too, seeing
prince Kotikakhya rush to the encounter, cut off the
head of his charioteer with a horse-shoe arrow.
That prince did not even perceive that his driver
was killed by his strong-armed adversary, and his horses,
no longer restrained by a driver, ran about on the
battle-field in all directions. And seeing that
prince without a driver turn his back, that foremost
of smiters, Bhima the son of Pandu, went up to him
and slew him with a bearded dart. And Dhananjaya
also cut off with his sharp crescent-shaped arrows,
the heads, as well as the bows of all the twelve Sauvira
heroes. And the great warrior killed in battle,
with the arrow, the leaders of the Ikshwakus and the
hosts of Sivis and Trigartas and Saindhavas.
And a great many elephants with their colours, and
chariots with standards, were seen to fall by the
hand of Arjuna. And heads without trunks, and