I shall write a line to the Duke, that he may see I do not forget my friends; and I rely, my dearest Emma, on your saying every kind thing, for me, to the Doctor, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Matcham, Mrs. Cadogan; whose kindness, and goodness, I shall never forget.
You will have the goodness to send the inclosed, as directed; and be assured, that I am, to the last moment of my life, your most attached, faithful, and affectionate,
Victory, off Toulon,
August 1, 1803.
[I do not know that you will get this letter.]
Your letter of May 31, which came under cover to Mr. Noble, of Naples, inclosing Davison’s correspondence with Plymouth, arrived by the Phoebe two days ago: and this is the only scrap of a pen which has been received by any person in the fleet since we sailed from England.
You will readily conceive, my dear Emma, the sensations which the sight and reading even your few lines [occasioned.] They cannot be understood, but by those of such mutual and truly sincere attachment as your’s and mine. Although you said little, I understood a great deal, and most heartily approve of your plan and society for next winter; and, next spring, I hope to be rich enough to begin the alterations at dear Merton. It will serve to amuse you; and, I am sure, that I shall admire all your alterations, even to planting a gooseberry bush.
Sutton joined me yesterday, and we are all got into the Victory; and, a few days will put us in order.
Every body gives a very excellent character of Mr. Chevalier, the servant recommended by Mr. Davison; and I shall certainly live as frugal as my station will admit. I have known the pinch, and shall endeavour never to know it again.
I want to send two thousand one hundred pounds, to pay off Mrs. Greaves, on October 1st. But, I have not received one farthing; but, I hope to receive some soon. But Mr. Haslewood promised to see this matter kept right for me.
Hardy is now busy, hanging up your and Horatia’s picture; and I trust soon to see the other two safe arrived from the Exhibition. I want no others to ornament my cabin. I can contemplate them, and find new beauties every day, and I do not want any body else.
You will not expect much news from us. We see nothing. I have great fear, that all Naples will fall into the hands of the French; and, if Acton does not take care, Sicily also. However, I have given my final advice so fully and strongly that, let what will happen, they cannot blame me.
Captain Capel says, Mr. Elliot cannot bear Naples. I have no doubt, but that it is very different to your time.
The Queen, I fancy, by the seal, has sent a letter to Castelcicala; her letter to me is only thanks for my attention to the safety of the kingdom. If Dr. Scott has time, and is able, he shall write a copy for you.