McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words in which the final e is silent.

ca’ble    nee’dle   rab’ble   bub’ble
fa’ble    Bi’ble    sam’ple   bun’dle
ga’ble    ti’tle    sim’ple   crum’ble
sa’ble    ri’fle    tem’ple   muf’fle
sta’ble   no’ble    dim’ple   muz’zle
cra’dle   fick’le   fid’dle   pud’dle
la’dle    am’ple    kin’dle   ruf’fle
ma’ple    ap’ple    lit’tle   tum’ble
sta’ple   baffle    bot’tle   pur’ple
bee’tle   bat’tle   cob’ble   cir’cle
fee’ble   cat’tle   fond’le   sad’dle

Lesson 25.

an’gel      ab’sent    bish’op    blun’der
ba’sis      ac’rid     big’ot     blus’ter
ca’ter      blank’et   bil’let    cus’tom
fla’grant   clas’sic   blis’ter   cut’ler
fra’grant   crag’gy    cin’der    cut’ter
has’ty      dam’sel    crick’et   sum’mer
ha’tred     dan’dy     fif’ty     sun’der
la’bel      fab’ric    fil’let    shud’der
pa’tent     fam’ish    lim’pid    thun’der
sa’cred     fran’tic   pil’fer    tum’bler
state’ment  lath’er    pil’lar    ul’cer
va’cate     lav’ish    print’er   un’der

Lesson 26.

Dictation exercises.

Note to teachers.—­These lessons are intended as exercises in the meaning as well as the spelling of words.  Distinguish carefully words of similar sound, but which differ in their spelling.  At the recitation the sentences should be read aloud by the teacher, and the pupils required to write them out neatly and correctly upon their slates or on the blackboard.

He ate seven or eight apples.  Send the pale maid with the pail of milk.  He owed for the paper on which he wrote an ode to the moon.  We are not quite ready for the quiet man.  Age gives edge to wine.  He said the idol looked like a satyr.  Clever satire often rouses the idle.

Lesson 27.

Sounds of ai, ou, ow, and ea,

paid    bound   cow     cheat    head
grain   found   how     treat    dead
staid   ground  town    beast    stead
waif    hound   growl   bleat    tread
rail    mound   clown   preach   dread
flail   pound   frown   speak    thread
quail   round   crown   streak   sweat
snail   sound   drown   feast    death

Lesson 28.

Dissyllables with short Sounds of Vowels.

ad’age     fren’zy    bick’er     blos’som
bal’last   emp’ty     crit’ic     cot’ton
bant’ling  gen’try    dig’it      com’ic
can’to     mer’it     flim’sy     drop’sy
ras’cal    men’tal    flip’pant   flor’id
las’so     sher’iff   frig’id     frol’ic
an’tic     ten’dril   in’fant     gos’pel
sad’ness   vel’lum    in’gress    gos’sip
sal’ver    vel’vet    in’mate     hor’rid
sand’y     nec’tar    in’quest    jol’ly
mag’got    ves’try    in’sect     rock’et

Lesson 29.

Trisyllables with short Sounds of the Vowels.

bal’co ny     del’i cate    lib’er ate
bar’o ny      des’o late    lim’i tate
cav’i ty      der’o gate    im’mo late
fac’ul ty     dev’as tate   in’di cate
grav’i ty     em’u late     in’ti mate
mal’a dy      hes’i tate    in’du rate
van’i ty      med’i tate    in’vo cate
am’pu tate    pet’ri fy     ir’ri tate
ab’so lute    plen’i tude   lit’i gate
al’ti tude    rec’ti tude   mil’i tate
am’bu lance   res’o lute    stip’u late

Lesson 30.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.