McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

a wake’ be hest’ be hind’ re cede’ be came’ be set’ be side’ con crete’ be have’ ca det’ be tide’ com pete’ be take’ de fend’ de rive’ se crete’ e late’ de pend’ re cite’ con cede’ per vade’ re pel’ re tire’ con vene’ for sake’ at tend’ re vile’ im pede’ a bate’ con sent’ re mise’ re plete’ cre ate’ im pend’ re vive’ un seen’ es tate’ im pel’ con nive’ su preme’ re late’ com pel’ ex cite’ re lease’

Lesson 19.

be rate’ a bode’ ex pire’ a cute’ a pace’ a lone’ con fide’ a buse’ re bate’ a tone’ con fine’ con fuse’ de bate’ af ford’ con spire’ de duce’ de face’ ca jole’ po lite’ de lude’ de fame’ de pose’ re cline’ ma ture’ se date’ com pose’ re fine’ pol lute’ col late’ en force’ re pine’ pro cure’ re gale’ en robe’ re quire’ re buke’ em pale’ ex plore’ re spire’ re duce’ en gage’ ex pose’ u nite’ se clude’ en rage’ im port’ en twine’ se cure’

Lesson 20.

blade   plash   bream   dress   twine
glade   clash   cream   swim    blind
grade   crash   dream   spend   grind
shade   smash   gleam   speck   spike
trade   trash   steam   fresh   smile
skate   slash   stream  whelp   while
brisk   drove   blush   cheap   carve
quilt   grove   flush   peach   farce
filth   stove   slush   teach   parse
pinch   clove   brush   reach   barge
flinch  smote   crush   bleach  large
mince   store   thrush  glean   snarl

Lesson 21.

ab’bey    rec’ord    pit’y     col’ter
ab’bot    check’er   dis’tant  fo’cus
atom      ed’it      din’gy    glo’ry
ash’es    lev’el     diz’zy    lo’cust
cap’tor   meth’od    fin’ish   mo’ment
car’rot   splen’did  gim’let   po’tent
cav’il    ves’per    spir’it   co’gent
ehap’ter  west’ern   tim’id    do’tage
chat’tel  bed’lam    pig’gin   no’ted
fath’om   des’pot    tin’sel   stor’age
gal’lon   ren’der    tip’pet   sto’ry
gal’lop   tem’pest   wit’ness  pro’test

Lesson 22.

shake   chose   march   pine    oil
snake   prose   parch   wild    moil
baste   those   starch  mild    coil
haste   froze   larch   tile    foil
taste   force   lark    slide   soil
paste   porch   stark   glide   toil
bunch   broth   prism   spent   boy
hunch   cloth   sixth   fence   coy
lunch   froth   stint   hence   hoy
punch   moth    smith   pence   joy
plump   botch   whist   thence  toy
stump   stock   midst   whence  cloy

Lesson 23.

Monosyllables miscellaneously arranged.

free   clip   shelf   quest   shine
spin   hate   chide   flax    wore
shad   tape   fringe  still   think
band   race   clock   trim    marsh
pack   mire   cheek   door    booth
bath   kite   full    clung   wince
dock   bank   frock   loft    spray
gold   fell   troop   pulp    join
pipe   pink   glass   grape   friz
club   hilt   lurk    pose    brow
shop   last   cloud   zest    grace

Lesson 24.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.