McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

P. S., Postscript.  St., Saint; Street. 
Pub.  Doc., Public Document.  Sun., Sunday. 
                              Supt., Superintendent. 
Pxt., He painted it.  Thurs., Thursday. 
Sc., He engraved it.  Tues., Tuesday. 
Q. M., Quartermaster.  V., vid., or vide, See. 
Rec’d., Received.  Viz.(videlicet), Namely. 
Rev., Reverend.  Vol., Volume. 
S., Shilling; South.  Vs. (versus), Against. 
S. A., South America.  Wed., Wednesday. 
Sat., Saturday.  W.I., West Indies. 
Sen., Senior; Senator.  Wt., Weight.

Lesson 244.

Abbreviations of the States, with their Pronunciation.

Ala., Al a ba’ma.  Ia., I’o wa. 
Ark., Ar’kan sas.  Kan., Kan’sas. 
Cal., Cal i for’ni a.  Ky., Ken tuck’y. 
Col. or Colo., Col o ra’do.  Lou. or La., Lou i si a’na. 
Conn. or Ct., Con nect’i cut Mass., Mas sa chu’setts. 
                                Md., Ma’ry land. 
Del., Del’a ware.  Me., Maine. 
Flor. or Fla., Flor’i da.  Mich., Mich’i gan. 
Geo. or Ga., Geor’gi a.  Minn., Min ne so’ta. 
Ill., Il li nois’.  Miss., Mis sis sip’pi. 
Ind., In di an’a.  Mo., Mis sou’ri.

Lesson 245.

Abbreviations of the States, with their Pronunciation.

Neb., Ne bras’ka.  R. I., Rhode Is1’and. 
N. C., North Car o li’na.  S. C., South Car o li’na. 
N. H., New Hamp’shire Tenn., Ten nes see’. 
                                  Tex., Tex’as. 
N. J., New Jer’sey.  Uh., U’tah (yoo’ta). 
Nev., Ne va’da.  U.S.A., U nit’ed States of A mer’i ca. 
N. Y., New York. 
Or., Or’e gon.  Va., Vir gin’i a. 
O., O hi’o.  Vt., Ver mont’. 
Pa. or Penn., Penn syl va’ni a.  Wis., Wis con’sin. 
                                  W Va., West Vir gin’i a.

Lesson 246.

American and Foreign Geographical Names.

Al’ba ny Ba’den Al le ghe’ny
Ayr (ar) Bal’ti more A’si a (a’shi a)
Aulne (on) Bor deaux’ (-do’) Cin cin na’ti
Bos’ton Chi ca’go Eu phra’tes
Chey enne’ Cai’ro Ha wai’i
Main Cey’lon’ Pal’es tine
Mo bile’ I’ser (e’zer) Phil a del’phi a
Pau (po) Mad rid’ Pyr’e nees
Saone Mil wau’kee Szeg ed in’
Seine Mon ta’na Vi en’na
Thames (temz) New Or’leans Wash’ing ton

Lesson 247.

Other Geographical Names of frequent Mispronunciation.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.