McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words of irregular Pronunciation.

nes’cience (nesh’ens)        re cher che’ (ruh sher sha’)
ba rege’ (ba razh’)          so bri quet’ (so bre ka’)
diph’thong (dif-)            aid’-de-camp (ad’de kong)
sol’dier (sol’jer)           mag gio’re (mad jo’ra)
fort’une’ (fort’yun)         made moi selle’ (-mwa zel’)
neph’ew (nef’yu)             fleur-de-lis’ (flur de le’)
let’tuce (let’tis)           deb au chee’ (deb o she’)
en tree’ (ong tra’)          res er voir’ (rez er vwor’)
re gime’ (ra zhem’)          eis tedd’fod (is teth’fod)
scru toire’ (skru twor’)     pro te ge’ (pro ta zha’)
phy sique’ (fe zek’)         de noue’ment (-noo’mong)

Lesson 235.

Words of irregular Pronunciation.

cri tique’ (kri tek’)       en core’ (ong kor’)
pen chant’ (pong shong’)    se ance’ (sa ongs’)
chig’non (shen’yong)        mor ceau’ (mor so’)
cha let’ (sha la’)          dan seuse’ (dong zurz’)
e lan’ (a lang’)            sang-froid’ (song frwa’)
mem’oir (mem’wor)           qui vive (ke vev)
mon sieur’ (mo ser’)        faux pas’ (fo pa’)
blanc-mange’ (blo-monj’)    bon ton (bong tong)
a mende’ (a mongd’)         bon’mot (bong’mo)
cen time’ (son tem’)        mil lier’ (mi lya’)
biv’ouac (biv’wak)          sa vant’ (sa vong’)

Lesson 236.

Names of Men.

Charles Ad’am Har’old A’sa
Frank Al’bert Hen’ry Bas’il
George An’drew Ho’mer Ca’leb
Hugh Ar’thur I’saac Ce’phas
James Clar’ence Ja’cob Cy’rus
Job Da’vid Jo’seph Eu’gene
John Ed’ward Lew’is Fe’lix
Luke Ed’win No’ah Ja’bez
Mark Ez’ra Pat’rick Leon’ard
Saul Fran’cis Pe’ter Mo’ses
Ralph Gil’bert Will’iam Rob’ert

Lesson 237.

Names of Men.

Her’bert Ab’sa lom Al ex an’der
Hi’ram An’tho ny An dro ni’cus
Hor’ace Ben’ja min Bar thol’o mew
Ja’son E li’jah Eb en e’zer
Jes’se Fer’di nand Em man’u el
Law’rence Fred’er ick E ze’ki el
Le’vi I sa’iah (-ya) Jer e mi’ah
Lu’ther Le an’der Le on’i das
Os’car Ol’i ver Na po’le on
Phil’ip Sam’u el The oph’i lus
Rich’ard Tim’o thy Zech a ri’ah

Lesson 238.

Names of Women.

Anne A’da Es’ther Lo’is
Blanche Ag’nes Eu’nice Lu’cy
Eve Al’ice E’va Ma’bel
Grace An’na Fan’ny Mar’tha
Jane Ber’tha Flo’ra Ma’ry
Jean Clar’a Fran’ces My’ra
Kate Co’ra Ger’trude Nan’cy
Maud E’dith Hel’en Ra’chel
May Ed’na Han’nah Rho’da
Pearl El’la I’da Sa’rah
Ruth Em’ma Lau’ra Su’san

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.