McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
el e phan ti’a sis        ir re cog’ni za ble
par a di si’ac al         gu ber na to’ri al
par a pher na’li a        el ee mos’y na ry
ver i si mil’i tude       pol y cot y le’don
tin tin nab u la’tion     het er o ge’ne ous
su per e rog’a tive       hi e ro glyph’ic al
pu sil la nim’i ty        hyp o chon dri’ac al
phan tas ma go’ri a       his to ri og’ra pher
ob’li ga to ri ly         in dis’so lu ble’ness
id i o syn’cra sy         in dis’pu ta ble’ness
ir re me’di a ble’        er y si pel’a tous
ip e cac u an’ha          ir ref’ra ga ble ness

Lesson 230.

Words of irregular Pronunciation.

of (ov)          tough (tuf)        trough (trawf)
sice (siz)       hough (hok)        bus’y (biz’y)
tige (tej)       fiord (fyord)      ma’ny (men’y)
says (sez)       bouy (bwoy)        pret’ty (prit’ty)
said (sed)       cough (kawf)       wom’en (wim’en)
loir (lwar)      mont (mong)        cann on’ (kan yun’)
a’ny (en’y)      rouge (roozh)      sa lon’ (sa long’)
newt (nut)       mauve (mov)        chap’eau (shap’o)
beaux (boz)      ruche (roosh)      cha teau’ (sha to’)
once (wuns)      Czech (tchek)      cro quet (kro ka’)
i’ron (i’urn)    caf’e (kaf ‘a)     men age’ (-azh’)

Lesson 231.

Words of irregular Pronunciation.

pa tois’ (pat wa’)      bou quet’ (boo ka’)
bi jou (be zhoo’)       breech’es (brich’ez)
phthis’ic (tiz’ik)      por’poise (por’pus)
bu’reau (bu’ro)         a gain’ (a gen’)
En’glish (ing’glish)    dis cern’ (diz zern’)
flam’beau (flam’bo)     e nough’ (e nuf’)
haut’boy (ho’boy)       en nui’ (ong nwe’)
hic’cough (hik’kup)     ron deau’ (ron do’)
right’eous (ri’chus)    vign ette’ (vin yet’)
cham’ois (sham’my)      squir’rel (or skwur’rel)
bou’doir (boo’dwor)     suf fice’ (suf fiz’)
ser’geant (sar’jent)    cor’tege (kor’tazh)

Lesson 232.

Words of irregular Pronunciation.

sough (suf)      men ag’e rie (men azh’e ry)
myrrh (mer)      ci ce ro’ne (che che- or sis’e-)
suave (swav)     chev’aux-de-frise (shev’o de frez)
shew (sho)       pap’ier-ma che (pap’ya ma sha)
strew (stru)     de col le te’ (da kol le ta’)
bouffe (boof)    tic-dou lou reux’ (tik doo lo roo’)
nom (nong)       ver mi cel’li (-chel’li or -sel’li)
clough (kluf)    su per fi’cies (su per fish’ez)
nee (na)         ra tion a’le (rash un a’le)
ghat (gawt)      ha bit u e (a bit n a’)
creux (kru)      hal le lu jah (hal le lu’ya)

Lesson 233.

Words of irregular Pronunciation.

bus’i ness (biz’nes)      roq’ue laure (rok’e lor)
colo nel (kur’nel)        sac’ri fice (sak’ri fiz)
hau teur’ (ho tur’)       chef-d’oeuvre’ (sha doovr’)
bdell’ium (del’yum)       es cri toire’ (es kri twor’)
cui rass’ (kwe ras’)      belles-let’tres (bel let’ter)
gauch rie’ (gosh re’)     res tau rant’ (res to rang’)
trous seau’ (troo so’)    mign on ette’ (min yon et’)
gun’wale (gun’nel)        fuch’si a (fook’si a)
dah’lia (dal’ya)          re veil’le (re val’ya)
soi ree’ (swa ra’)        pap e terie’ (pap a tre’)
sap’phire’ (saf’ir)       sur veil’lance’ (-val’yans)
cog’nac (kon’yak)         Ple’ia des (ple’ya dez)

Lesson 234.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.