McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
for’tress     dan’druff     prod’uce       con cise’
car’bine      fran’chise    com’bat        dis own’
chlo’ride     hom’age       thith’er       dis dain’
cof’fee       rhu’barb      o’nyx          di vulge’
com’rade      cov’ert       dis arm’       ex tol’
sau’cer       ma’tron       jo cose’       for bade’
dec’ade       mon’ad        bour geois’    suf fuse’
quin’sy       pa’tron       Cay enne’      pos sess’
gal’lows      lith’arge     con tour’      fare well’
mis’le        par’tridge    di verge’      be neath’
fau’cet       wa’ter        di vert’       re source’

Lesson 225
Words frequently mispronounced.

di’a mond        par’a dise       cin cho’nit
chan de lier’    a’li as          in vei’gle
gran’a ry        par’a chute      stra te’gic
cou’ri er        pot-pour ri’     ex cur’sion
eg’lan tine      hy’gi ene        a cous’tics
sor’cer y        con’fis cate     an cho’vy
ex’tir pate      psal’mo dy       pa la’ver
cor’di al        guard’i an       Cau ca’sian
cor’ri dor       com’mu nism      ap par’el
gas’e ous        sub al’tern      so pra’no
doc’i ble        cou ra’geous     im mor telle’

Lesson 226.

Words liable to be misspelled.

som’er sault     how’itz er      bar’y tone
stim’u lus       syc’a more      bil’lings gate
sil’hou ette     a bridg’ment    bry’o ny
pa vil’ion       ad’di ble       cen’ti ped
quin till’ion    aes thet’ic     cim’e ter
ci vil’ian       al’che my       col’an der
cen’ti gram      ar’que buse     cop’i er
ma nil’la        ai’lan’tus      nas tur’tium
eu’pho ny        as bes’tus      chic’o ry
pros’e lyte      as cend’ant     hei’nous ness
pu’tre fy        syz’y gy        deb o nair’
pro bos’cis      bar’be cue      por’phy ry

Lesson 227.

Words liable to be misspelled.

bal’dric      mal fea’sance     cal lig’ra phy
ban’yan       sur’cin gle       dys’en ter y
bau’ble       pleu’ri sy        rem i nis’cence
la pel’       por’ce lain       hy poc’ri sy
ker’chief     os’cil late       hy pot’e nuse
gnos’tic      del’e ble         syn ec’do che
but’-end      lau’da num        si de’re al
cam’phene     crys’tal lize     ad sci ti’tious
catch’up      pol’y glot        am au ro’sis
cess’-pool    guer ril’la       lill i pu’tian
ci gar’       quin tes’sence    lil i a’ceos

Lesson 228.

Words liable to be misspelled.

clew      coif’fure      con fec’tion er y
clinch    fledge’ling    klep to ma’ni a
sleuth    af’ghan        cor nu co’pi a
blonde    che nille’     cot y led’o nous
glebe     che mise’      di u tur’ni ty
gyves     chas’seur      terp sich o re’an
guy       chev’ron       me temp sy cho’sis
crutch    cor’ymb        me te or’o lite
touch     e leve’        per ip neu’mo ny
kraal     hogs’head      phar ma co poe’ia
chintz    meer’scham     phar ma ceu’tic al
ceirge    buhr’-stone    sac cha rif’er ous

Lesson 229.

Words liable to be misspelled or mispronounced.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.