McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words which require Care in Spelling.

risk      coup’le      wry’ness    ve’hi cle
wrist     cup’board    ri’ot       typ’ic al
shred     cho’rus      ly’rist     ob’sta cle
dread     po’rous      li’vre      pro’to col
scheme    hill’y       ten’on      mys’tic al
chief     lil’y        pen’non     mis’ti ness
siege     san’dal      ros’trum    rec’re ant
seat      can’dle      phan’tom    reck’on er
seethe    nu’tant      fan’ion     wretch’ed ly
keyed     neu’ter      ver’sion    of’fi cer
tweed     nui’sance    ter’tian    oph’i cleide

Lesson 220.

Words containing silent Letters.

thought    hand’some     re doubt’     hec’a tomb
wreathe    vict’uals     re scind’     sci’o list
wreath     scis’sors     gneis’sose    co a lesce’
rhomb      schot’tish    be nign’      ap’a thegm
gnat       g’no’mon      cam paign’    di’a phragm
rogue’     for’eign      ar raign’     psy’chic al
gnaw       dough’ty      op pugn’      sac’cha rine
gnash      haugh’ty      re sign’      rheu mat’ic
gnarl      chron’ic      de light’     rhap’so dy
gnome      daugh’ter     ex pugn’      rhet’o ric
phlegm     ghast’ly      af fright’    ca tarrh’al

Lesson 221.

Silent Letters.

taught     hon’est       ca tarrh’    pneu mat’ics
source     gher’kin      con demn’    psal’ter y
brought    chalk’y       de mesne’    pneu mo’ni a
realm      isl’and       de pot’      rhi noc’e ros
vault      naph’tha      burgh’er     ren’dez vous
knob       gris’tle      calk’er      jeop’ard y
qualm      thros’tle,    rhom’boid    hem’or rhage
wroth      chris’ten     tme’sis      rhiz’o pod
fraugt     jeop’ard      ptis’an      ptar’mi gan
knock      wrig’gle,     psy’chic     pseu’do nym
knife      bris’tle      rhym’er      psalm’ist ry

Lesson 222.

Words liable to be misspelled.

tres’tle       glu’ey ness       collect’i ble’
pa paw’        crys’tal line     e ras’a ble
gey’ser        chrys’a lis       ac cor’di on
gaug’ing       lach’ry mose      sac er do’tal
co log’ne      ker’o sene’       ef fer ves’cence
qua drille’    glyc’er ine       tran quil’li ty
sky’ey         ar’go naut        com mit’ti ble
sor’ghum       fore’bod’ing      cor us ca’tion
sur vey’       ex cheq’uer       mac a ro’ni
starve’ling    sib’yl line       pic’ca lil li
pro’gramme     sib’i lant        fil’i bus ter

Lesson 223.

Words liable to be misspelled.

fleam     ey’ing       gen e al’o gy
glyph     wee’vil      bac ca lau’re ate
liege     lac’quer     ab o rig’i nes
cuish     du et’       ar chae ol’o gy
taunt     quar tet’    as a fet’i da
drap      phe’nix      er y sip’e las
fleche    rogu’ish     ho mo ge’ne ous
frere     whey’ey      hy per crit’i cism
jardes    ledg’er      ich thy ol’o gy
crypt     sach’el      ig’nis-fat u us
sou       lar’ynx      lack a dai’si cal

Lesson 224.

Words frequently mispronounced.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.