McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words which require Care in Spelling.

which     stom’ach    re prieve’    in i’tial
ditich    sau’sage    con ceive’    of fi’cial
feud      word’y      de grade’     es sen’tial
sued      tur’gid     a fraid’      sol sti’tial
prude     ver’ger     pre pare’     a bun’dant
wooed     vir’tue     for bear’     de pend’ent
balk      leop’ard    bar’ter       in veigh’er
shawl     lep’er      tar’tar       be tray’er
guise     fam’ine     mar’tyr       di’a logue
sighs     gam’mon     suc ceed’     dy nam’ics
flies     salm’on     ac cede’      me chan ics

Lesson 215.

Words which require Care in Spelling.

wield     scan’dal    se rene’      an’no tate
weird     han’dle     un clean’     an’o dyne
swale     clam’or     be tween’     col on nade’
swain     gram’mar    ma rine’      ser e nade’
storm     ham’mer     com plete’    dom i neer’
swarm     palm’er     de feat’      bel ve dere’
scythe    sa’tyr      de ceit’      pen’ni less
writhe    trai’tor    co erce’      mon’ey less
sieve     wait’er     dis burse’    joc’u lar
give      cra’ter     dis perse’    jock’ey ing

Lesson 216.

Words which require Care in Spelling.

skein    val’id      kir’tle      pol’i cy
slain    sal’ad      tur’tle      leg’a cy
crane    mal’let     fer’tile     cur’ti lage
sword    val’et      myr’tle      syn’a gogue
boast    breez’y     wid’geon     cod’i cil
ghost    greasy      pig’eon      dom’i cile
queer    gar’den     mal’ice      ver’sa tile
brief    par’don     pal’ace      hyp’o crite
spoke    e’vil       tor’toise    hip’po drome
croak    ea’gle      mor’tise     scen’er y
self     pole’ax     sel’vage     ple’na ry
sylph    poult’ry    por’ridge    dean’er y

Lesson 217.

Words which require Care in Spelling.

zinc      col’lege      con fer’      u ten’sil
brink     knowl’edge    a stir’       pre hen’sile
fought    leath’er      oc cur’       fa tigu’ing
caught    teth’er       ef face’      be lea’guer
wrought   cau’cus       e rase’       si li’ceous
fuse      mawk’ish      chas tise’    vex a’tious
news      au’thor       bap tize’     fa ce’tious
views     awn’ing       a chieve’     sus pi’cion
choose    ar’id         per ceive’    po si’tion
wooes     heir’ship     be reave’     in cis’ion
ooze      air’y         re nown’      de ris’ion
whose     car’ry        re nounce’    e di’tion

Lesson 218.

Words which require Care in Spelling.

earl      ran’cor      in vade’     di ur’nal
knurl     can’ker      up braid’    hi ber’nal
shirk     flux’ion     ur bane’     at tor’ney
jerk      suc’tion     or dain’     de ter’gent
pith      hos’pice     a dieu’      con ta’gion
myth      au’spice     im brue’     her ba’ceous
growth    bot’tom      pre cede’    frol’ic some
loath     au’tumn      pro ceed’    frol’ick ing
loathe    trunn’ion    re deem’     de pres’sion
clothe    bun’ion      ex treme’    dis cre’tion

Lesson 219.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.