med’al, a stamped coin. pen’cil, used for writing. med’dle, to interfere. pen’sile, hanging. mi’nor, one under age. pet’ty, small; little. mi’ner, a worker in mines. pet’it’, a term in law. mit’y, full of mites. pom’ace, ground apples. might’y, powerful. pum’ice, a spongy stone. na’val, of ships. rig’or, severity; stiffness. na’vel, the central part. rig’ger, one who rigs. cen’sor, one who censures. suck’er, a kind of fish. cens’er, a pan for incense. suc’cor, help; assistance. pan’nel, a kind of saddle. sur’plus, excess. pan’el, a jury roll. sur’pluce, a clerical dress.
Lesson 210.
pal’let, a small bed. com’pli ment, regard. pal’ate, part of the mouth. com’ple ment, fullness. pal’ette, an oval board. coun’sel or, an adviser. em’i grate, to move out. coun’cil or, member of a council. im’mi grate, to move in. cas’tor, the beaver. straight’en, to make straight. cast’er, one who casts. strait’en, to narrow. cur’rent, running. cal’en dar, an almanac. cur’rant, a small fruit. cal’en der, a hot press. cap’i tol, a public edifice. sut’ler, an army trader. cap’i tal, principal. sub’tler, more subtle.
Lesson 211.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
jilt dol’lar rip’ple nat’u ral gyre schol’ar trip’le gut’tur al jow1 grap’ple pop’py lit’er al troll chap’el cop’y diz’zi ly goal ren’net sun’ny bus’i ly knoll sen’ate mon’ey ver’ti cal dole freck’le glim’mer ar’ti cle turf shek’el prim’er du’te ous verb wit’ty tread’le beau’te ous pirn cit’y ped’dle fin’i cal perk hop’per cod’dle pin’na cle surd prop’er mod’el cyn’ic al
Lesson 212.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
scream com’et peb’ble in ter cede’ screen vom’it reb’el su per sede’ sheave plum’met sib’yl col’o nize sheet sum’mit spin’et ad ver tise’ shield ver’y lin’net par’a lyze twirl mer’ry cam’el se’cre cy churl bod’y tram’mel ec’sta sy clerk shod’dy mam’mal vac’il late quirk mud’dy sev’en fas’ci nate fraud stud’y heav’en co er’cion broad guin’ea par’rot de ter’sion awe’d nin’ny clar’et ex er’tion
Lesson 213.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
grief do’ing a byss’ hid’e ous sheaf stew’ing a miss’ pre’vi ous guile, yeo’man as sess’ im’pi ous chyle chlo’ral ab’scess a’que ous rend know’ing sick’le par’ti cle wrench go’ing nick’el crit’ic al dearth con dole’ tal’ents dil’i gent worth con trol’ bal’ance el’e gant mirth en roll’ si’lence fal’li ble earth dis pel’ com peer’ prel’a cy spurt fore tell’ ad here’ jeal’ous y
Lesson 214.