as cent’, steepness. bur’y
(ber’ry), to cover with earth. as sent’,
agreement. an’chor, for a ship.
ber’ry, a small fruit. ank’er, a liquid
measure. can’non, a great gun. al’ter,
to change. can’on, a rule or law.
al’tar, a place for sacrifice. ceil’ing,
top of a room. au’ger, an instrument.
seal’ing, as with wax. au’gur, to
foretell. cel’lar, a lower room.
bur’row, hole for shelter. sel’ler,
one who sells. bor’ough, a corporate town.
ces’sion, a giving up.
a sitting.
bold’er, more bold. cous’in,
a relation. bowl’der, a large pebble.
coz’en, to cheat.
Lesson 206.
cen’su al, of the census. phil’ter, a love-charm. sen’su al, carnal. great’er, larger. coun’cil, an assembly. gra’ter, that which grates. coun’sel, advice. ho’ly, sacred; pure. can’vas, a kind of coarse cloth. whol’ly, entirely. can’vass, to discuss. mar’tin, a bird. crew’el, worsted yarn. mar’ten, a kind of weasel. cru’el, inhuman; savage. man’ner, form; method. cyg’net, a young swan. man’or, district. sig’net, a seal. man’tel, shelf over a fireplace. chol’er, anger; wrath. man’tle, a cloak. col’lar, for the neck. mar’tial, warlike. fil’ter, to strain. mar’shal, an officer.
Lesson 207.
Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.
con’so nance con’so nants cen’sus sen’ses e lys’i an e lis’ion Lat’in lat’ten e mer’sion im mer’sion con’cert con’sort for’mer ly form’ally cor’nice Corn’ish pass’a ble pas’si ble hal’low halo pe ti’tion par ti’tion rel’ic rel’ict com’i ty com mit’tee or’der ord’ure dep ra va’tion dep ri va’tion fa’ther far’ther ve rac’i ty vo rac’i ty plaint’iff plaint’ive sta’tion a ry sta’tion er y pa’tience pa’tients
Lesson 208.
Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.
bile boil ad her’ence ad her’ents wig whig con fi dant’ con’fi dent God gaud at tend’ance at tend’ants dance daunts ac’ci dence ac’ci dents dome doom e lic’it il lic’it wheel weal em’i nence im’mi nence lease lees e rup’tion ir rup’tion sense since sal’a ry cel’er y dross draws bar’ren ness bar’on ess whit wit proph’e cy proph’e sy
Lesson 209.