McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

cor’po ral, an officer. ve’ni al, pardonable. cor po’re al, bodily. ve’nal, mercenary; base. du’al ist, a believer in two gods. ap’po site, suitable; fit.
op’po site, over against.
du’el ist, one who fights a duel ac cla ma’tion, a slout.
ac cli ma’tion, inurement to climate.
de scen’sion, descent. dis sen’sion, strife. an’a lyze, to separate. ce’re ous, like wax. an’nal ize. to record. se’ri ous, grave; solemn. or’a cle, a prophet.  Sir’i us, the dog-star. au’ri cle, the external ear.

Lesson 201.

The words opposite one another in the lines have nearly the same meaning, and are called Synonyms.

au’thor ize     com mis’sion    em pow’er
ap par’ent      ob’vi ous       ev’i dent
ac cord’ant     con’so nant     a gree’ing
de port’ment    de mean’or      be hav’ior
di dac’tic      pre cep’tive    in struc’ive
fla gi’tious    a tro’cious     out ra’geous
ad her’ent      par’ti san      fol’low er
in’di gence     pen’u ry        pov’er ty
syc’o phant     par’a site      flat’ter er
har’bin ger     pre cur’sor     fore run’ner

Lesson 202.

to, towards; unto.             vane, a weathercock.
too, also.                     vain, proud; empty.
two, one and one.              vein, a blood-vessel.
trey, three at cards.          waste, to consume; loss.
tray, a shallow vessel.        waist, part of the body.
vale, a valley; a dell.        ware, merchandise.
veil, a cover; a curtain.      wear, to use; to waste.
wait, to tarry; to stay.       way, a road; manner.
weight, heaviness; load.       weigh, to balance.
weighted, balanced.            week, seven days.
wade, to walk in water.        weak, not strong.
weth’er, a sheep.              wood, timber; a forest.
weath’er, state of the air.    would, preterit of will.

Lesson 203.

Words sometimes incorrectly pronounced alike, but which should be carefully discriminated.

line      loin      creek    crick    sex       sects
loam      loom      pint     point    yon       yawn
lose      loose     sat      sot      least     lest
morn      mourn     phase    face     scrawl    scroll
rout      route     laud     lord     tents     tense
stalk     stock     east     yeast    with      withe
can       ken       dawn     don      close     clothes
blanch    blench    dose     doze     coarse    corse
want      wont      wen      when     white     wight
wax       whacks    alms     arms     moor      more

Lesson 204.

Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.

as say’      es say’        ep’ic        ep’och
de cease’    dis ease’      bea’con      beck’on
de scent’    dis sent’      coffin       cough’ing
de vice’     de vise’       grist’ly     gris’ly
huz za’      hus sar’       di’vers      di’verse
in tense’    in tents’      cho’ral      cor’al
a loud’      al lowed’      gant’let     gaunt’let
im merse’    a merce’       mu’sic       mu’cic
af fect’     ef fect’       rad’ish      red’dish
e lude’      al lude’       sculp’tor    sculpt’ure
Cas’tile     cast’-steel    hum’ble      um’bel

Lesson 205.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.