mulet sa’chem jave’lin hos’tler soot asth’ma chest’nut de’tail [noun] noose le’gend wres’tle fa cade’ twice de sign’ [noun] or’chis strych’nine niche isth’mus list’en per’fume [noun] salve this’tle bay’ou mus tache’ height rai’sn gib’bous bas’ket milch a dult’ gla’cier Gae’lic browse [noun] psalm’ist griev’ous Le vant’ [noun] vase oft’en na’sal soft’en
Lesson 196.
Words frequently mispronounced, or improperly accented.
though goose’ber ry da guerre’o type gist sooth’say er cab ri o let’ fifth ju’ve nile min i a ture’ drought lic’o rice leg er de main’ nook a pos’tle char i ot eer’ poor ar’gen tine an i mad vert’ roil Ar min’ian av oir du pois’ sauce de co’rous Cy clo pe’an rhythm cyc’la men Eu ro pe’an schism so’journ er spo li a’tion root cov’et ous in’ter est ed
Lesson 197.
Words frequently mispronounced, or improperly accented.
pom’mel ab’jeet ness nu mis’ma tist bel’lows ab’a cus ig nit’i ble fig’ure ad’verse’ly Jan’u a ry di rect’ Bur’gun dy Feb’ru a ry as’sets Bed’ou in in’ven to ry je june’ en vi’rons cor’ol la ry ver’min ex’ple tive vi’o la ble ran’sack um’pi rage rep’a ra ble short’-lived o’a sis des’pi ca ble so’journ ar’se nic bap’tis ter y cais’son ar’ti san pres’by ter y
Lesson 198.
Words frequently mispronounced, or improperly accented.
in’nate chol’er ic se’cre to ry ter’mites gon’fa lon dec’re to ry way’lay cen’tu ple ex’ple to ry slaugh’ter re’tro cede con sis’to ry frag’ile nu’cle us pre cep’to ry car’riage cen’tau ry rep’er to ry thor’ough co quet’ry chi rur’ger y sched’ule sto mach’ic sperm a ce’ti grand’eur in’ter stice pan e gyr’ist hir sute’ ce ram’ic pan’e gy rize ben’zine re volt’ing mel lif’lu ous
Lesson 199.
Words frequently mispronounced, or impropedy accented.
ag’gran dize dem’on strate tur’mer ic al’der man tre men’dous mne mon’ic Al’co ran stu pen’dous vir’e lay al’ge bra gov’ern ment ex’pur gate mis’tle toe Ar’a bic am’ber-gris pres’by ter com’bat ive min’a ret rasp’ber ry com’mu nist or’de al ven’i son com’plai sance plat’i num pos’i tive con’verse ly fem’i nine dis hon’est dis as’ter gen’u ine chiv’al ric dram’a tist por tent’ous
Lesson 200.
Words to be carefully discriminated.