McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words properly accented on the first Syllable.

prog’ress    eq’ui page       ex’qui site ly
in’grate     phos’phor us     com’pa ra ble
pae’an       lu’di crous      per’emp to ry
cou’pon      vic’i nage       or’tho e py
du’ress      in’te gral       ex’em pla ry
good’man     in’te ger        lam’en ta ble
o’zone       an’ces tor       in’ter est ing
a’corn       an’ti podes      con’tu me ly
pro’logue    at’ro phy        sub’lu na ry
thir’teen    com’plai sant    va’ri o loid
sar’dine     det’o nate       e’ti o late

Lesson 191.

Words properly accented on the second Syllable.

trust ee’      he ral’dic      ap pel’la tive
mon soon’      ple thor’ic     a nem’o ne
pro lix’       re cu’sant      ar tif i cer
back slide’    ple be’ian      ar bit’ra ment
where as’      pre ced’ence    con sum’mate ly
gain say’      le the’an       ca mel’o pard
re cess’       il lus’trate    con not’a tive
pla card’      im mob’ile      in ter’po late
a dept’        phi lip’pic     te leg’ra phy
suc cess’      o de’on         pe riph’ra sis
ro mance’      e la’ine        re con’nais sance

Lesson 192.

Words properly accented on the second Syllable.

cos tume’     so no’rous      re med’i less
with draw’    ly ce’um        pre ced’en cy
suc cinct’    mu se’um        hy per’bo le
ex cess’      e ner’vate      py ram’i dal
de funct’     ac cli’mate     te leph’o ny
ca nine’      in un’date      il lus’tra tive’
mo rale’      con den’sate    ex ec’u tor
re lay’       Lin nae’an      ex tem’po re
si moom’      ob jur’gate     gla di’o lus
re course’    ad um’brate     in fer’a ble
ac cess’      cho re’us       chal ced’o ny

Lesson 193.

Words properly accented on the second Syllable.

ex traor’di na ry      in ter’po la tor
in com’pa ra ble       con sol’a to ry
ir ref’ra ga ble       de lib’er a tive
ir rep’a ra ble’       pro thon’o ta ry
ir rev’o ca ble        dis crim’i na tive
in dis’so lu ble       com mem’o ra tive
in dis’pu ta ble       ac cel’er a tive
in ex’o ra ble         sa lu’ta to ry
ab sol’u to ry         pa ri’e ta ry
de mon’stra tive ly    nun cu’pa to ry
oc tog’e na ry         in ex’pli ca ble

Lesson 194.

Words properly accented on the third Syllable.

rev er ie’       am a teur’           dem o ni’ac al
ob li gor’       bom ba zine’         ho me op’a thy
jag u ar’        tam bour ine’        ap o the’o sis
im pro vise’     ric o chet’ [noun]   her e dit’a ment
or mo lu’        mule teer’           spon ta ne’i ty
et i quette’     mau so le’um         ep i zo’o ty
av a lanche      con ser va’tor       hy per bo’re an
as sign or’      cot y le’don         ep i cu’re an
po lo naise’     no men clat’ure      Pyth a go’re an
cat a falque’    hy men e’an          hip po pot’a mus
dis ha bille’    den u da’tion        rec i proc’i ty

Lesson 195.

Words frequently mispronounced, or improperly accented.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.