McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words in which O is sometimes mispronounced.

front’ier       ap ro pos’         ab do’men
plov’er         vo’ca ble          dis com’fit
a mour’         pos til’ion        court’e ous
hov’er          pre co’cious       pa rot’id
sur tout’       o’o lite           con do’lence
sloth’fu1       dol’or ous         cog no’men
Sou chong’      ca lor’ic          op po’nent
caout’choue     front’is piece     co ro’na
re volt’        prob’i ty          col’port eur
fort’night      pome gran’ate      po’ta ble
com’pass        sov’er eign        a ro’ma

Lesson 186.

Words in which U is sometimes mispronounced.

tulle      col’umn           in au’gu rate
joust      sut’ure           ce ru’le an
guide      pup’pet           vi tu’per ate
yours      su’mac            ac cu’mu late
ghoul      ful’some          co ad ju’tor
gi’aour    con’duit          pu’pil la ry
de but     cu’cum ber        in’sti tute
duc’at     tru’cu lent       eu re’ka
U’lan      con nois seur’    cae su’ra
sup’ple    ju’gu lar         con’sti tute
du’ty      nu’mer ous        tour’na ment

Lesson 187.

Words properly accented on the first Syllable.

con’strue    com’bat ant      pu’is sance
trav’erse    dis’pu tant      in’ter im
ramp’ant     gon’do la        au’top sy
ath’lete     pleth’o ra       tym’pa num
syr’inge     mis’chiev ous    wise’a cre
ex’tant      blas’phe mous    or’ches tral
brig’and     con’ver sant     im’po tent
con’cord     san’he drim      con’gru ent
dis’cord     con’tra ry       im’be cile
do’nate      pro’te an        pha’e ton
ob’long      dis’ci pline     ret’i na

Lesson 188.

roll, to turn over and over.    soar, to mount upward.
role, a part performed.         stake, a pointed stick.
sign, a token; a mark.          steak, a slice of flesh.
sine, a line in geometry.       step, a pace; a foot-print.
skull, part of the head.        steppe, a dreary plain.
scull, to impel a boat.         stoop, to bend forward.
sleeve, an arm cover.           stoup, a basin; a pitcher.
sleave, untwisted silk.         sum, the amount; whole.
slight, to neglect; feeble.     some, a part; a portion.
sleight, dexterity.             tale, that which is told.
soul, the immortal spirit.      tail, terminal appendage.
sole, bottom of the foot.       tare, allowance in weight.
sore, a hurt; painful.          tear, to rend; to lacerate.

Lesson 189.

tacks, small nails.              toe, part of the foot.
tax, import; duty.               tow, coarse part of flax.
throne, seat of a king.          tract, a region.
thrown, cast.                    tracked, followed.
team, horses hitched together    their, belonging to them.
teem, to bring forth.            there, in that place.
tear, water from the eye.        throw, to cast; to hurl.
tier, a row or rank.             throe, agony.
threw (thru), did throw.         tide, rising of the sea.
through, from end to end.        tied, bound; fastened.
time, duration.                  toad, a harmless reptile.
thyme, a pungent herb.           towed, drawn by a rope.

Lesson 190.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.