McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
leant     pet’rel        cere’ment    les see’
dreamt    se’ries        lei’sure     me lee’
eyre      seam’stress    ef fete’     deaf’en
rear      steel’yard     en feoff’    rou’e
deaf      sex’ton        keel’son     e lite’
teat      fe’brile’      seck’eI      khe dive’
pert      fec’und        bes’tial     res’pite
tete      sen’na         fet’id       there’fore
feoff     ten’et         fe’tich      pref’ace
egg       tep’id         se’nile      tet’ter
yet       le’ver         he’lot       met’ric

Lesson 180.

Words in which the Sounds of E are often mispronounced.

per’uke     nep’o tism     ter’ri ble
neth’er     as cet’ic      res’in ous
pet’al      red’o lent     rec’i pe
res’in      co te rie’     tet’a nus
ra ceme’    em ploy e’     ref’lu ent
pre’lude    at ta che’     hy e’mal
me’grim     pre’mi er      cer’e brum
ven’ue      o bei’sance    ve’he ment
bre vet’    gen’er a       def’i cit
car tel’    Ma dei’ra      splen’e tic
e’pact      her’o ine      i de’a

Lesson 181.

Words in which the Sounds of I are often mispronounced.

fi’nite      mer’can tile    pa ri’e tal
pro’file     pi az’za        rec i ta tive’
de bris’     he gi’ra        an ni’hi late
A’pril       de cli’vous     cal li’o pe
fi nanec’    O ri’on         he li’ac al
ox’ide       i tal’ic        zo di’ac al
ar’chives    ho ri’zon       i soch’ro nous
vis’or       si’ne cure      men in gi’tis
sir’up       so ri’tes       ma ni’ac al
bas tile’    bron chi’tis    scar la ti’na
rib’ald      trip’ar tite    i so therm’al

Lesson 182.

Words in which the Sounds of I are often mispronounced.

rid       ti rade’      py ri’tes
vive      ton tine’     fa ri’na
rinse     bro’mine      mar’i time
shire     li’chen       pi a’no
width     ob lique’     vir’u lent
si’ren    vis’count     cyn’o sure
ti’ny     vi’rile       is’o late
li’en     spike’nard    vol’a tile
an’ile    trib’une      en fran’chise
ei’der    qui’nine,     de ci’sive,
tri’o     di late’      pu’er ile

Lesson 183.

Words in which the Sounds of I are often mispronounced.

fu’tile      as pir’ant        ad ver tis’er
ar tiste’    in quir’y         tri syl’la ble
fi nesse’    sub sid’ence’     ka lei’do scope
stir’rup     chas’tise ment    ad ver’tise ment
sub’tile     di gres’sion      in ter ne’cine
chlo’rine    di men’sion       lar yn gi’tis
Al’pine      di plo’ma         mi rac’u lous
chi cane’    sim’o ny          in ci’so ry
cui sine’    crin’o line       vi vip’a rous
li’lac       par’a digm        is o la’tion
vic’ar       e chi’nus         si mul ta’ne ous

Lesson 184.

Words in which 0 is sometimes mispronounced.

holm     tro’phy      mon’as ter y
yolk     on’ly        proc’u ra tor
scoff    mon’grel     mi cros’co py
nonce    be troth’    drom’e da ry
cost     proc’ess     zo ol’o gy
won’t    doc’ile      al lop’a thy
wont     prov’ost     au tom’a ton
shone    grov’e1      hy drop’a thy
sloth    fore’head    La oc’o on
forge    joc’und      pho tog’ra phy
doth     don’key      in ter loc’u tor

Lesson 185.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.