Compound Words.
Lisle’-glove night’fall harts’horn north-east’ book’-case corn’-stalk joint’-stock foot’stool loop’-hole well’-bred cork’screw bur’dock snuff’-box watch’-word whirl’pool towns’man broom’stick fools’cap house’wife dooms’day work’shop char’coal brown’-bread for sooth’ out weigh’ down’right down’cast horn’pipe tooth’ache noon’day heir’loom air’brake law’suit
Lesson 170.
Compound Words.
can’dle stick post’al-card but’ter fly hand’ker chief cop’y-book wa’ter-fall bed’-cham ber oft’en times gas’-me ter ev’er green type’-writ er cler’gy man gen’tle man jour’ney man bric’-a-brac pep’per mint hum’ming-bird na’vy-yard camp’-meet ing musk’-mel on fool’-hard y mas’ter piece blood’-ves sel al might’y pass’o ver hon’ey-comb by’stand er fowl’ing-piece stem’-wind er bass’-vi ol pow’der-horn school’-mas ter tale’-bear er
Lesson 171.
Synthetic and dictation exercises.
A’bel, a man’s name. de scend’ent, falling. a’ble, powerful. cough’er, one who coughs. al’ley, a narrow passage. coffer, a chest. al ly’, one who assists. can’died, covered with sugar. al lu’sion, a reference. can’did, honest; truthful. il lu’sion, mockery. cent’u ry, 100 years. de scend’ant, offspring. sen’try, a guard.
The able man’s name was Abel. A narrow alley. France was an ally of England in the Crimean war. He made an allusion to the illusion that possessed him. His descendant was descendent from the same line. The cougher sat on the coffer. The candid youth ate the candied cakes. The sentry wore a costume of the last century.
Lesson 172.
Words spelled alike, whose Pronunciation and Meaning differ.
aye, always. conjure, to enchant. aye, an affirmative vote. bow, a weapon. chose, did choose. bow, part of a ship. chose, a thing; a chattel. chap, a boy. bass, a term in music. chap, the jaw. bass, a fish. gout, a disease. conjure’, to implore. gout, taste; relish.
Lesson 173.
Words spelled alike, whose Pronunciation and Meaning differ.
mall, a public walk. scald, a poet. mall, a mallet. sew’er (so’er), one who sews. slough (sluf), a snake’s skin. sew’er (su’er), a drain. slough, a miry place. court’e sy, civility. wear, a dam in a river. courte’sy, a slight bow. wear, waste. slav’er, a slave ship. min’ute (min’it), sixty seconds. slav’er, spittle. mi nute’, very small. i’ron y (i’urn y), of iron. hind’er, in the rear. i’ron y, ridicule. hin’der, to obstruct. worst’ed, a kind of yarn. scald, a burn. worst’ed, defeated.
Lesson 174.