Ad signifies to, and for euphony takes the forms of ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, and as; as ad and verto, advert, to turn to.
ad duce’ al lure’ as sail’ ag’gre gate ac count’ an nex’ ad vance’ ag’gra vate ac cord’ ar rive’ ad’verb ap pend’age af fix’ as cend’ ad’verse ar’ro gance
Bi (from Latin bis, twice) means two, double, or in two.
bi’fid bi den’tate bi no’mi al bi’form bi cor’nous bi en’ni al bi’nate bi fur’cate bi noc’ular bi’ped bi lin’gual bi valv’u lar bi sect’ bi par’tite bi sul’phu ret
Lesson 165.
Con (Latin cum, with) signifies with or together; it takes the forms of com, col, co, cog, and cor, for ease in pronunciation.
con vert’ con de scend’ con ven’tion al com press’ com pan’ion com pen sa’tion col lect’ col’lo quy col lat’er al co here’ co-ex ist’ co-ex ten’sive cog’nate cog’ni zant cog nos’ci ble cor rect’ cor re spond’ cor o na’tion con cur’ con vul’sion con sec’u tive con dign’ con vey’er con se quen’tial con form’ con tu’sion con nat’u ral
Lesson 166.
De signifies down or from; epi significs on, near, during; and ex has the meaning out of. Ex also becomes e, ec, or ef.
de scend’ ex tract’ ep i dem’ic de tract’ e vade’ ep’i lep sy de note’ ef fuse’ ep i glot’tis de vote’ ec’logue ep i derm’is
Dia, ob, per, and circum mean respectively apart, against, through, and around. With English words, dis gives a negative meaning.
dis tend’ dis sev’er dis em bar’rass ob trude’ ob lique’ly ob lit’er ate per plex’ per fect’ive per sist’en cy cir’cuit cir cum volve’ cir cum ja’cent
Lesson 167.
Mal signifies evil, ill; mono is from Greek monos, single; pan (Greek), signifies all, every thing; and poly (Greek polus), many.
mal’con tent ma li’cious ma lev’o lent mon’o tone mon’o gram mo nop’o Iy pan’o ply pan’the ist pan o ra’ma pol’y gon pol’y pus pol’y the ism
Pro is a Latin preposition signifying for, before, and forth; uni (Latin unus, one) signifies one or producing one; syn (sometimes syl and sym) signifies together; and sub (sometimes suf, sup, and sug) denotes under, below.
pro’noun u’ni ty syn’the sis sub scribe’ pro pel’ u’ni form syl’la ble suf’fix pro duce’ u’ni corn sym’pa thy sup press’ pro vide’ u’ni val ve syn tac’tic sug gest’
Lesson 168.
Compound Words promiscuously arranged.
ale’-house lime’-kiln hedge’hog hail’stone boat’man pen’knife lay’man four’score grist’-mill safe’guard load’stone mid’night waist’coat oat’meal pitch’fork bee’-hive pole’-star ship’wreck key’-stone snow’-drop wrist’band knee’-pan sports’man block’head bride’groom jew’s’-harp cross’-bow light’-house luke’warm off’spring
Lesson 169.