McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
aft’er piece    aft’er noon    aft’er most
aft’er guard    aft’er math    aft’er-thought

Lesson 159.

Post is a Latin word, meaning after.

post’script    post-di lu’vi an    post me rid’i an
post’-date     post po si’tion     post’hu mous ly

Other words are formed by prefixing the English word post, a letter-carrier.

post’al         post’man      post’mark
post’-chaise    post’-town    post’-office
post-haste’     post’boy      post’mas ter

Bene is a Latin prefix, signifying well.

ben’e dict     ben e fac’tion    be nef’i cence
ben’e fice     ben e fi’cial     be nev’o lence

Lesson 160.

Fore adds its own meaning to the word; as foretaste, to taste before; pre is from the Latin prae, before; ante (Latin), before.  Anti (Greek), means against or opposite.

fore’sight   fore tell’er      fore bod’ing ly
fore’most    fore knowl’edge   fore de ter’mine
fore know’   fore’cas tle      pre med’i tate
pre fix’     pre cau’tion      pre oc’cu py
pre judge’   pre ced’ing       pre-em’i nent
pre serve’   pre des’tine      an te pas’chal
pre sage’    an’te past        an te mun’dane
pre text’    an’te date        an te nup’tial
fore warn’   an’ti pode        an ti cli’max
fore’front   an’ti dote        an ti feb’rile

Lesson 161.

The word miss signifies to err, to go wrong; in the compound the last s is omitted.

mis guide’    mis be lief’     mis reck’on
mis spell’    mis con ceive’   mis con’strue
mis choose’   mis di rect’     mis gov’ern
mis chance’   mis re cite’     mis guid’ance

Words formed by the prefixes up and under.

up raise’    un der lay’      un’der hand
up heave’    un der write’    un’der growth
up’right     un der sign’     un’der brush
up’ward      un der neath’    un’der shot

Lesson 162.

Words formed by the prefixes out and over.

out brave’   o ver reach’     o’ver board
out grow’    o ver awe’       o’ver alls
out pour’    o ver flow’      o’ver night
out talk’    o ver freight’   o’ver sight

Counter, from the Latin contra, against.

coun’ter pane    coun’ter sign     coun ter move’
coun’ter feit    coun’ter point    coun ter weight’

Extra (Latin), beyond.

ex tra ju di’cial        ex tra phys’ic al
ex tra pro vin’cial      ex tra trop’ic al

Lesson 163.

Semi (Latin), and hemi (Greek), ha1f; super (Latin), over or above; trans
(Latin), beyond or through; and inter (Latin), among or between.

sem’i breve      sem’i co lon       sem’i qua ver
sem’i tone       sem’i cir cle      sem i ton’ic
hem’i sphere     hem’i cy cle       hem i morph’ic
hem’i trope      hem i he’dral      hem i spher’ic
su per add’      su per fi’cial     su per in duce’
su per scribe’   su per’flu ous     su per struct’ure
tran scend’ent   trans at lan’tic   tran’si to ry
trans fig’ure    trans fus’i ble    trans mis’si ble
in’ter course    in ter mit’tent    in ter reg’num
in’ter lude      in ter ces’sor     in ter sec’tion


Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.